no I am not sure if your missing my point in the action of of firing a gun off, I did it for intimdating purpose, which worked up until i got banned, there were at least 8 people in the area, after I had fired 5 bullets 3 past a few people, an 2 in to a car, area was clear people ran off an the car even with a busted wheel moved out the area, which gave me the oppitunity to move down an store my goods, it would of work but as I went down I got kicked an banned, now if I would have known that doing this action would get me banned I would of re-thought my actions, I check the rules almost daily to make sure I am updated on them an I believe that my action were not in violation of any rules hence I went Fourth with my plan. as for the RP aspect I will admit in this case there was none it was purely a selfish action to keep me safe an my goods.
I understand the sever is a serious RP sever an I really do like it because of this, I am not looking to upset that flow, but I do not wish to risk myself or any asset I own, because someone feels the need to just hold me up when I go down to a cash point. when I could harmlessly clear the area an store what I have earned for my time playing.
now if my action have cause me to break a rule or upset the game, then I will happily apologize an in future won't do it again, but I feel a perm ban for this is a little harsh.
(Points to be made out in my defence)
1) have I actually broken any rules with my action?
2) if so does the punishment fit the crime?
Simply put I like your server, I want to play on your server, I have made a lot of friends on your server "an to be fair a lot of enemys who want my head on a spike lol" an I enjoy it, but if you believe that I would not or will not fit in then I guess I an perm banned, I can't change what has happened nore can I take back my actions, the only thing I can do now is say I won't do it again.