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So as a new player who enters the city things can be very difficult to start up. So my idea is a motels that are player owned or owned by an organisation that offers out rooms to such players. They would have to pay rent for said room which was fair and easy managed. For example 1 night stay would equal say £100 and if they don’t pay they lose the room! I understand this is hard to manage as some people find it difficult to get in some nights so you could offer the rooms out weekly for £700 say. 

The rooms inventory would include:


Safe limited slots (say 10 slots) 

A bed 


General decor 

And maybe add a garage to store one car (if you own one) 

I don’t know how this would work in the economy of the city just thought it would be a good idea to help new players get on their feet and have a place to stay but could also provide more immersion and roleplay encounters. 

I have provided images of one location (way more locations that could be added in the future) 



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your decision to make the text black on a dark grey background pains me to read this

Using black text was a bad idea, the suggestion is a good one tho, cause the inability to access a wardrobe without owning a house is annoying, so yeah I agree with this, it would also increase RP as people would hang around these hub areas.

700 Pounds weekly in all honesty is VERY LOW. People can make 50K daily if they grind it and 700 is really just too low IMHO. I think it should be higher like 5k or above but the rest of the idea is VERY nice, maybe even start introducing the huge apartment complex's and such. Having someone own them and then people able to rent out a room would be quite nice. The owner of course will have to pay tax for the house. 

Its a good suggestion and has been suggested a few times. I would imagine something like this is already in the works. 

I personally feel that the price is way to low for what is being offered. Im sure a good price will be chosen by the Devs if this is ever introduced into the server. 

@TheCap I wanted to make it affordable and also make it so that timing wasn’t as issue because of cue times people give up joining and could lose their room! But 1000-1500 maybe! But if players own the motels they could potentially earn loads! 

There could varying prices depending on the location on the motel. Make motels in prime locations more expensive to stay at and ones that are run down and out the way cheaper! So it gives all types of players the chance to obtain one! And have a max stay time too so people can’t have them forever 

why not have a few owned and the owner sets the prices? could have competetion then to get more people in, 

then if they don't pay the rooms then the owner can go and clear all the storage out or even have a storage selling auction every month, 

Owners could also do spot checks to stop people running illegal farms out of the rooms and if so he could report them to the police or take bribes off of the occupants to keep quiet

I like the idea. Would need some thought on pricing, restrictions on extended rental possibly, and what they can be used for. Otherwise though any effort to bridge the divide between being brand new and having the cash to get a property I'm pretty supportive of. Makes the journey a little more fun!

I like the idea of this. I think you could even go bigger of this and have Motels and Apartment complexs where people can either rent at a motel or Buy/Rent an apartment? I think that would be a nice thing for in the city for new people and people who have been in the city for a long time. Having the option to sell your house and move into an apartment complex. +1 from me!

Motels would be a really good idea especially for groups and gang roleplay.

As well if not used for gangs it would be a great place for new people to the city to start out and at least have somewhere they can say is owned by them.

I've seen this work elsewhere and it's brilliant. I think that this would be great. They could use the "small houses" like the ones in sandy shores but I would rather the motel rooms be more like small apartments that are permanent  and taxes get paid monthly in line with the current housing situation for the big houses. 

I think it would be better for the players in general and make managing the property much easier but that's just my 2ps worth. 

Also if the idea proves to be successful id love to see some posh hotel rooms over at the majestic Hotel etc near the golf course as I'd absolutely love to over there! 

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This could also be good RP cause the aztecas could rent out rooms to their motel, it would give them a cool "legal" side to their organisation.

how is the development team on this? any thing similar on the very long list of suggestions already?


Implemented - Marlowe Motel
Thanks for the suggestion!
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