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Morg (Action: Ban Issued 15/03/2015)

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New member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
9/3/14 22:45PM roughly
Which Server did this happen on:
Server 2
Description of what happened:
Delivering Cocaine Via Helicopter to the cocaine processing when 3 or 4 People RDM'd 3 of our 4
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
After calling Morg out on RDM he was rude to us and encouraged a report. 
Video from Pilot perspective below.
To all of AMC, with respect to the incident above;

May I firstly say I apologise for this yet again. By all accounts on this video it doesn't appear that there was any RP, and in all fairness to you guys there appeared to be no RP whatsoever. This was due to the fact that I was shouting at you in the wrong channel. At first I was shouting in the group channel, which can be verified by members of my group for what it's worth, and it took me a while to realise my mistake. I had you guys typing and members of my group telling me I was being an idiot. You can see at the 2:00ish mark that I was still struggling with my comms as I quickly changed the channel and subsequently tried to talk in the side channel. Only after our sidechat argument, when things had calmed down, did my group explain to me I was shouting to them in the group channel. It was a short time after this that I messaged your CEO to apologise for the incident. Again I do feel a small element of guilt, as you rightly point out you had no warning whatsoever, I was however feeling fully justified in opening fire. 

Our plan (as in our RP plan) was to "depart" in our truck to lure you into a false sense of security, I was to camp inside and our driver was to circle back and kill you. I assure you we were fully committed to the role and there was absolutely no intention to commit RDM. 

At this point in our game we were all feeling particularly belligerent when it came to being "trigger happy" as a few times in this session we had ourselves been randomly shot during our RP incidents in the same area. Infact just prior to this video being shot one of our team mates had been killed, while a helicopter was surveying the area. Assuming that the helicopter and the ground crew were all together (and the helicopter was in fact coming to mete out some revenge) we were spoiling for the fight, and preparing ourselves. However the first guy we killed in the area was not AMC so I assume now, after the fact, that they weren't together. I can't help but feel like this is/was a series of misfortune that ended with the death of a lot of people.

If you wish to pursue this further, if you wish to pursue a ban for me, I will submit to the admins decisions. But to put it quite blatantly, I fucked up by accident and can you forgive me? 

I have not attempted to contact them on Teamspeak, nor have I received any contact from them to organise a Teamspeak session. My only message I sent was received with disdain from some members of AMC; my apology was met with the remark "That's not going to work, Morg". This was the last correspondence I had with AMC. 

With regard to the the description: There was only one of me, not three or four (one had been killed just prior to this video, and the other hadn't quite got in to position)


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Talking for myself now but i accept your apology. Though you said after in side chat that you yelled out DIE MOTHERF*CKERS then started shooting and i dunno if that is rp. And i felt this song was fitting for this atm.. 

Sorry, couldn't help myself ;D

(Dick Long)

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Hahah it's never too late to apologise.

I think I've spoken to most of you one to one and tried to explain and justify my actions, and for the most part I think you understand, or at least accept my apology. Just BiohazardCrow who I haven't seen around yet, but then hopefully we can finish sorting this out, and the threat of the ban can be lifted from my head :(   .


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