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More variety of Jobs & Activities


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Hey, so ive been playing RPUK for a couple weeks now and I love it! great with friends and the community support is efficient and fun.
Im just stuck on the same routine of trucking or taxi and there doesnt seem to be much more that I can do except a few other jobs. I think there is so much more potential for this server such as more jobs variety like bus driving, bin driver, postman, etc... and to bring mroe activities like an arcade, races, paintball, skydiving, golf? Just feel like im going round in circles with the same stuff and needs mroe variety!
More activities would be good but I imagine are full or bugs etc however having played other servers and seen the minigames they have some of them can be quite good.

In terms of jobs, I think there is plenty of solo jobs (taxi, trucking etc) and the best thing to see would be some form of team job which you would work with a group of people with a somewhat increased reward due to doing it together and rewarding the roleplay of doing so rather than senselessly grinding.

Otherwise I think there is too much of a disparity in the crim world. You either have end game items to rob a bank or you sell drugs. IMO this is a void that probably needs to be filled.
100% agree there should be more teamed jobs, there aren’t many legal avenues for a group of people to go down and experience together other than jumping in a truck or taxi on your own!
I've seen a group job on another server which is window cleaning in teams or electrician where it requires 2 people to start the job.
LOL Welcome to RPUK

Where our new job update included, Taxi, Trucking and Food Deliveries

Which were the only legal jobs anyway......
100% agree there should be more teamed jobs, there aren’t many legal avenues for a group of people to go down and experience together other than jumping in a truck or taxi on your own!
Definitely need group jobs.