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Monthly Traffic Report "SEO" October 2014

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The King
Legendary Donator
I felt a number of people enjoyed last months AltisLife.co.uk SEO & Traffic report.
If you have not seen it you can find the
So how did we do in October ?
Sessions: 46,384  (13,392 Increase )
Unique Users: 10,818 (2094 Increase)
Page Views: 506,575 (124,515 Increase)
No doubt that the Arma 3 free weekend had something to do with the increased website usage so we will see how the November report looks but no doubt the release of the Helicopter DLC this month will also have a interest increase in Arma 3 and Altis Life.
The first screenshot is taken directly from our webmaster tools account which shows how many impressions our links in google have received in October along with how many people have clicked them to enter AltisLife.co.uk

The next screenshot shows off our sessions per day which this month was usually around 1500 sessions per day but over the free weekend and continuing today the website has been hitting just under 2000 sessions per day.

Again the UK remains number one, I never expect this to change based on our domain and our UK theme unless we go big in america in some freakish events but cannot see that happening, What i am happy to see is that we are still bringing in EU members to the website who are very much welcome.

The next image is going to show our new member signups across October as we raced over 6000 members in total you will find it no surprise to see the signups over the free weekend... they are completely out of control with 924 new members in October.... find me another UK/EU Altis Life community with these growth numbers right now ?
Welcome to our new members :)

Lets check out how many troll posts Reverend made in October... i mean the community made in October! These stats are red hot right now... long may it continue 

I told people in the September stat report to get creative as the new topics were low at only 1151 (low he says!) So 1600 topics is not too shabby and shows a nice increase.

Hopefully you are enjoying these monthly stat topic's and if there is anything else you want included then please let me know!
This month our Database stands at 44620 unique players... thats 44620 Unique steam account ids... since we started 8 months ago.
Now i am going to include another interesting stat which shows our sessions and unique players since i registered the google analytics account.
Sessions: 142,871
Unique Users: 31,887
Page Views: 1,492,067
Unfortunately this only shows stats from July 12th on wards and there are some points where it shows where our website was down due to jealous people trying to damage this community, However that doesn't stop the stats showing how strong we really are!

Going to end this post with our gametracker stats... today we are on page 1 for Arma 3 servers meaning we are 15th in the world! (At the time of posting this topic)

It doesnt stop there... we have been filling out server 2 every single day since this and also KOTH which shows we have grown.

I would like to thank each and every member!

Many Thanks for being apart of this community created by Gamers for Gamers!

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I believe the twitch streaming addition to the forums actually did help increase amount of players on the server :)

I believe the twitch streaming addition to the forums actually did help increase amount of players on the server :)
Maybe... but not much atall!.... We have always filled out our server since March this year... the increase of our community has been gaining momentium month by month which you can see in the September report... this was before we had any streamers here!!!

I think being ranked 2nd in the UK for "Altis Life" and 4th in the world for "Altis Life" in the google results is the main factor for our growth which you can see in the screenshots above :)

Free weekend was not fun for the admins as there was a vast amount of hackers and trolls.... but alot of good people stayed and that's what makes this month worth the time and effort put in.

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Nice work guys, I've been here for a little over a week after being tweeted by you guys (probably wilco the dirty lurker) and I have probably streamed 70 hours of it.

I've had a fantastic time and love the work you guys put into RP and keeping a good server.

keep it up

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