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Mitch's House

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In-game name:

Mixture of a few, Skoocher


Syn. Skewchair

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile):

What was lost:
2.2m for the initial purchase

1.1m trying to find a temp fix until you guys sort the bug out.

Value of item/money lost:

Total of 3.3m

1x house slot.

Quick description of what happened:

So not having heard about the thing issue with mitch's house, i decided i'd like to settle there and make a home. what a poor idea that was!

after the restart i could still spawn at the house, but of course couldnt unlock or put crates down. i cant buy an actual house as i had two garages.

i thought that maybe if i purchased the house and sold again straight away it would free up that 3rd slot. Alas. no luck.

so currently 3.3m down. no hotfix found.


The house market now a days really recks your bank account doesn't it.

There is no hotfix for this, next update I am bringing in something to check against this.

Comp Request Approved.

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And a few porkchops aswell.


*facepalm* YAY Let's buy a house on MITCH'S ISLAND, because MITCH would never buy a house on MITCH'S ISLAND. *facepalm*

Next time you Try to buy mitchs house Skoocher and then claim i will refuse it, Lets not be silly here.

Completed - Back to your ingame account, Do not try to buy added houses again, it doesnt work :)

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