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Mistaken Identity (Zed)

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New member
If anyone could explain this to me it would be much appreciated.


From what I can gather, someone in the past has used the same name as me (Zed) and he was up to no good.

I have spent over 30hours playing on the server and its really disappointing that I was banned without even being spoken to while in the middle of a long mission, we could have sorted this out easily.

There are several people in the FFE group that can vouch for how useless I have been in all aspects of Arma since I just bought the game after the free weekend, I am certainly not "stealing code" or random skins.

Thanks in advanced.

i am resuming it means you were trying to steal server code. i am sorry this happened to you

Sorry about the wait, We today ran some IP checks and the other Zed is from the states, We can see clearly your from the UK.

Apologies for this, It just appears you was unluckily being on the server under the name as Zed when the other Zed had just contacted me nothing but a coincidence

I have unbanned you.

It would have been clear I wasn't from America if anyone bothered to actually come talk to me in the first place.

I can't imagine why no one checked my IP address either, before the ban.

Who in their right mind would try to evade a previous ban and come back using the same name? :mellow:

Since I was falsely banned during a mission, I lost my brand new £200,000 Hemmet truck which was stuffed with £400,000 of "items".


Could these be refunded to me?


It would have been clear I wasn't from America if anyone bothered to actually come talk to me in the first place.

I can't imagine why no one checked my IP address either, before the ban.

Who in their right mind would try to evade a previous ban and come back using the same name?

Since I was falsely banned during a mission, I lost my brand new £200,000 Hemmet truck which was stuffed with £400,000 of "items".
People do mistakes, we ban people who threaten our server or break rules. This might sound wrong but it's better to ban someone and let them actually come to forums and explain everything, than not banning a potential hacker because you don't have enough proof.

We did check your IPs, why do you think we unbanned you in the first place? We did had to check more than that also, and it takes time when your swarmed with stuff to do.

Now just because we banned you "falsely" like you say, doesn't mean you can come here like you own the place.. try to be humble, because to me they way you talk doesn't show it at all... And as far as i know, garage cars are not deleted when you are banned.

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Whats upset me the most is there was no proof - none. I only shared a name with someone.

And when I tried to  talk about it in teamspeak, "what is there to talk about" was the reply.

So please, forgive me for being annoyed for loosing hours of work for literally nothing but sharing a name.

I can only assume the truck was found filled with contraband and then crushed.


Pal, let me make this quite clear. We don't NEED proof in order to ban somebody that we have a good - or even a half-decent - reason to think might cause problems for the community on this server. We act - as fast as we can - to protect the greater population.

In your case, we received a warning about you - on the basis of your name. At a crucial time when this name was 'an issue' for us and a number of other servers. The information came from a reliable source, in good faith. We acted promptly to protect.

As it turns out, that reliable source turned out not to be 100% reliable in this instance, but as soon as we had the time to drop everything and go digging out IP addresses, comparing backstories, finding out more info on 'the bad person' and comparing it with your information, and doing the other legwork and research work necessary in order to satisfy ourselves of your innocence, we did so.

Turns out you're not the droid we were looking for. Great. I'm pleased for you.

You'll get your comps in due course, but I must say I find your attitude a little bit shitty. We didn't have TIME to 'run all the numbers' at the precise moment you were banned. We didn't have TIME to do all the legwork necessary to prove your innocence. That's not our problem; it's yours. Your arrival in the forum was the first signal of possible innocence; comments (unsolicited) from some of your pals in FFE was the second. When we had the time, we cross-referenced, and spent a significant amount of time - time which is far, far better spent on development, and running this community and its server - unpicking the spaghetti ball of information to convince ourselves that you were SAFE to unban.

We didn't know until today - as part of this process - that the original 'bad person' was American. Neither did the group who warned us. These are all jigsaw pieces that have come to light after research, so it's not a case of us 'knowing if we'd spoken to you'. Most often, in these cases, people lie anyway, sad to say. Discussing things with them directly, in cases where hacking or other 'difficult-to-prove' high-risk cases are concerned, is usually a total waste of time. We've been there before. Perhaps you haven't.

Thank your FFE buddies for raising the issue and speaking up for you. We don't care if you thank us for finally proving your innocence, but we don't expect to be griefed about it. You asked "who in their right mind would try to evade a previous ban and come back with the same name?" The answer is, sadly, plenty of people. Again, we've been there. Have you?

We appreciate you're upset. So are we. We don't ENJOY banning innocent people, any more than we enjoy wasting an afternoon wading through IP logs and digging through WHOIS data and cross-referencing posts on rival group forums, to look for 'clues'. It's a pain in the ass for us all - you and us. But that's the luck of the draw, sometimes. You had a 'hot' name, and we got given a tip-off. The nuke got fired, and only one person 'died'... you. But we might've saved a community, assuming you'd been 'the bad guy'. Deal with it. You're out of the hole you were in, and you're back in the game. Just be cool with it, and play on. You'll get your shit; be nice. Please.

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Shitty attitudes all around to be quite honest, Pal.

Just a little correction, my first contact was moments after the ban when I messaged Wilco on Teamspeak and he just blew me off. It was quite clear that he had decided I was guilty and there was nothing to talk about, he then just ignored me.

Anyway, if you guys can find the time I would like my lost truck to go to Bizby/Mr Happy since I won't be sticking around.


If your banned you post a thread here, not message admins on team speak

Your lost truck will go to no one but yourself if you decide to come back, Advice for the future... community's are free... its our server and to be honest we can do what we like! and take however long we like.

We work very hard here and do not need this kind of attitude, Yes we got it wrong this time but to be honest banning 1 person or risking our files.

I know which action i took. 

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