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Missing Permanent Vehicles And Exploding Hummingbird Problem

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Well-known member
So like all the other people I lost my Mohawk as well as a hummingbird I had out for a friend that exploded when he got in the cockpit. I haven't checked my garage,but I'm also betting my Ifrit and Hello Kitty Sports Car I bought yesterday are gone too. Feeling disappointed I went to get in my last hummingbird and it exploded after I got in like my friend did last night.

All the previous vehicles I mentioned were permanent and I would like to point out for the admins that a Mohawk is 4.5 million in game and not 3 million(Unless they adjusted it this morning.) as listed in the donator tiers list as I saw in previous threads owners being refunded the cost of their vehicles.

Edit 03/30/14: I have checked my garage and the Ifrit,Hello Kitty car, and the hummingbird that exploded when I got in it are also gone as well as my firearm license even though I haven't killed anyone recently,perhaps it lost that instead of a pilots's license when it exploded. Additionally I have lost my new replacement hummingbird and the offroad I drove to the air shop to buy the afore mentioned hummingbird. I'm going to stop for a  a few days,maby a week. The problem is obviously consistent and my losses are pretty heavy. I await the server to be fixed and wish the server staff the best of luck.

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Hi Sovereign,

We are always working on the server and hope to have fixes in place soon as we can

Please fill in the following and open a new thread so i can add the correct amount of money to your ingame account:

In-game name:
What was lost:
Value of item/money lost:

Quick description of what happened:

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