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Put down them rubix cubes, turn off MTV and stop crying about John Lennon being shot, its time to go to work. This week we will be returning to the past with the British SAS in the year of 1981.

Our mission is simple we will para-drop behind enemy lines to intercept a meeting that might be happening in the early morning, not get seen by the guards till the meeting happens and then assassinate our target. After that we just need to walk the 7km though heavily guarded towns, roads and woods, avoid any minefields, knock out the Anti-Air that will shoot down our helicopter, get to the RV and get home for a nice cup of tea. Easy. I mentioned the sub zero temperatures? Right?

I have upped the slots as I'm expecting a good turn out, make sure you arrive early if you want a slot. As always please arrive at 1930, and if you can please post bellow if you are coming or if you have any comments/questions.


We have new mods! Please make sure you have them all here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=691690689

The server is now JSRS4 and Blastcore compatible, these mods are OPTIONAL and are NOT required to play, however if you want them you can get them here:

JSRS4: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27827

Blastcore Phoenix 2: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23899


Will ACE 3 ever get added to the list of mods? I'd like to be a Combat Medical Technician but without ACE 3 playing as a medic is really basic and pointless. 

Was this today?

never done milsim before. There's a first for everything. I'll have to give this one a mis because of my temporary potato internet

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