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Military Roleplay Night - Operation Pickpocket (18/05/16 1900 GMT)


Well-known member



Before we get into the briefing just a bit of housekeeping, thanks to everyone who joined us last week, we are hoping we have fixed some of the issues we had at the beginning of the mission, in addition we are also looking into giving addition training to the american on what friendly look like. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

In regards to Mods we have made things a little simpler; you can subscribe to them here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=684469067 be aware there are new mods and they are a bit of a size, it is advised you download them at least the night before. Mission commences Wednesday 18th of May at 1900GMT.



Welcome to the Russian/Ukraine border lads, this is properly one of the most dangerous borders in the world. Tensions here could not be any higher, each side digging in just waiting for the order to go. Artillery, mounted 50 cal automatic weapons, minefields are but a part of life here.


We have sent two army trainers in to help the local forces in defending the border, during a training exercise it would seem they were captured and taken across the border to the local town of Mityakinskaya. Captain Gorbachyov runs things on this part of the border, he has a history of taking people to extract information, if he works out what he has, we could have a big problem.


This mission is simple: we need to get these men back to safety before any information is extracted from them.


Mission will start at the break of dawn, you will cross the river Donets by boat to the two landing ares, move in retrieve the men and return, mission time will be approximately 20 minuets. You have full authorization to, terminate any forces that would stop you completing the mission. Watch for any civilians, although given the time no one should be awake.

Service Support

You will be alone on this mission, and will have no back up.


Your Platoon commander is 2Lt Lt T.Polder and Platoon Sgt will be CSM T.Birkett. 1ICs and 2ICs will be picked 24 hours earlier.

Thanks to @killerabbitfor bringing a different experience to the community, Hope everyone enjoys it and I encourage anyone interested to get involved 

Just be warned the download is 7.1GB with all the mods we had already installed so you looking at 8.5GB download for the mods.

If anyone is interested in a leadership position please send me a PM

Ironically enough I'll be working on a military tasking Monday to Friday so I cannot make it. I've been jumping in and out of LAVs - that's fucking difficult.

Im here again as Medic :3

Edit: @Wilco could you maybe advertise this a bit? Last time we still had room for more people :)

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I'm new to the forum, but how do these military nights work? Is there a different server? What do I have to do to join? Etc. 

I'm new to the forum, but how do these military nights work? Is there a different server? What do I have to do to join? Etc. 
The MILSIM nights are hosted on the standard ALUK teamspeak. However we do use a different ArmA server with some additional mods added. The mods needed are all on the steam workshop and are all located in the following collection:  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=684469067. All you need to do is download these mods make sure all of them work and join the teamspeak on time for the event.

The MILSIM nights are hosted on the standard ALUK teamspeak. However we do use a different ArmA server with some additional mods added. The mods needed are all on the steam workshop and are all located in the following collection:  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=684469067. All you need to do is download these mods make sure all of them work and join the teamspeak on time for the event.
Awesome thanks! Unfortunately I'll be in class at the time :( Maybe next time!

Im here again as Medic :3

Edit: @Wilco could you maybe advertise this a bit? Last time we still had room for more people :)
Only Medics will carry any kind of first aid kit, so the medical class will be needed a little more this mission. And not this op, but the next, we use ACE :)

As of this operation you can reserve a slot. You might be thinking what does this entail, well it is very simple. Basically if you say really want to be using an LMG you can reserve this slot. The way you do this is: 

  1. First checking this roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HFCq0ZkqGoqSXqo8gfHmeE8hM17eqCopC41fFcyJHpE/pubhtml?gid=2146865476&single=true.
  2. Then selecting what role you like (if you want you can go as far as being team specific)
  3. Posting a reply on this thread or PM'ing me in the following structure: I want to reserve [Insert role here] for the event on 18-05-2016. 
  4. You will then recieve a confirmation that your role has been reserved
  5. Come to the event
A few rules tied to reserving a slot

  • 2IC and 1IC spots can only be reserved under discussion
  • Request you show 30 minutes prior to the event
  • If you reserve a slot you have to show up to the event atleast 15 minutes prior to the start
  • If you're not there 15 minutes prior to the start your slot will be opened to the public
  • If for some reason you can't show 15 minutes prior you need to send a message atleast 2 hours before at that point we will hold your slot till 5 minutes before the start
If you have any questions about reserving a slot feel free to send me a message about it
