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Mikey (Action: Ban Issued 26/01/2015)

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New member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Mikey
Time & Date this happened: 24/01/2015 5:15pm(ish)
Which Server did this happen on:Sever 1
Description of what happened: I was at he Civ Weapons shop to purchase a licence and a gun when Mikey came up in Police uniform and acted like it was a regular police inspection then knocked me out and stole £74,000 that I had been working for 3 hours. 
What Rule Was Broken ?: 13B) Cop clothing is for police only, civilians may not wear cop clothing, anyone caught doing this will be banned.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I talked to a legit police officer named Alex who then said he would try and help me but I do not know if any action has been taken.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here: All I can say is ask Alex(in-game name) he is a PC and I gave him the little evidence I could because I am new and didnt know recording or taking screenshots would help.
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