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Midway42 Car Ramming

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Active member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Midway42
Time & Date this happened: 29/04/2015 21:25
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened:
Midway42 followed me from the garage where i retrieved my orange SUV and proceeded to follow me out of Kavala, until we reached the petrol station, where rammed me from the right making me crash in the low brick wall on the right side of the road.
What Rule Was Broken ?: 3A -VDM (Ramming)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
No, however this player has shown similar behaviour towards me and my friends before and I am only reporting him now as he is being persistent with this trait and it has begun to annoy me.
I have no proof of this apart from the time of which I logged out, which was right after the event, I did not record because I did not think that this would happen to me when I was just driving to the oil trader.
Thank you
I am a witness of this but I have no evidence.
Marvelous contribution there sir!

Think of the things you could have done rather than waste time with that post.

Please don't post peoples...if your name is not the original poster or the person being reported then you don't need to waste your time posting here - instead, go and draw a picture or watch porn or something.

Thank you, having witnesses really adds weight to my statement, since I don't have any proof
Actually, it really doesn't.

Going to lock this now - I can't speak for admins but I sincerely doubt it will get far without proof. Given your statement there is little point leaving this open for the waffle brigade to turn up.

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