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Metagaming Bounty Hunters

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): AJ, Chip Butty, Sem Drevijn (Gang name ARAC)
Time & Date this happened: May 28th at approximately 10:00PM GMT
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: Well before the situation shown in the video, I was sitting on the sidewalk next to the prison waiting for my buddy to get out. A bounty hunter by the name of AJ walks up to me and sits next to me striking a conversation. Eventually when his backup arrives, he talks about how there's a man wanted in the area and I "match the description," (even though I picked up the bounty wearing rebel clothes). Anyway, pitching me this nonsense about a description I match, seems like he clearly just looked at my name. As can be seen in the video, I RP'd a reason to leave as he was being a bit aggressive towards me verbally, slowly walked away and got tazed. Then had to go through about 40 minutes of BS with the cops from this situation and lost my MX.
What Rule Was Broken ?: Metagaming
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Typed simple message in text chat that he was metagaming but he didn't respond or seem to care. 
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
Wow it weird seeing my role-play from a different angle, so thank you for that. Unfortunately I didn't record this because I only have limited space on my SSD, sorry.

ok, your video shows that religion and politics shouldn't be brought into role-play and that my friends were wrong, when they said I needed to be more aggressive as a bounty hunter, so I've gone back to being a nice friendly cuddly bounty hunter.

Also I hope no one is offended by what was said in role-play, as it was just role-play and doesn't reflected what I think or believe in real life.

What your video doesn't show is the 20 minutes of us three bounty hunters running around Athira, talking to civilians (other players) and asking them if they has seen you in the area and if they know where you are.

In the end your video shows 5 guys role-playing and yes, you were tasered, which I wasn't really that comfortable with and I role-played that by walking away while you'll being tasered, but it was part of the role-play as at 1:30 of your video, I did tell you that my bounty hunter friends likes to shoot people.

I do have to admit that I have only been playing as a bounty hunter for two days and I'm still adapting and improving my bounty hunter role-play. But I still find this report very insulting and anyone who knows me, knows I that don't break the rules and that I put my all in to my role-play and try to make it fun for everyone.

ok now the last part, you said you "Typed simple message in text chat that he was metagaming but he didn't respond or seem to care.". Sorry I didn't see that, but the ARAC Team have a channel on the Altislife.co.uk teamspeak, so why didn't you jump on teamspeak and talk to me before you posted this, I'm always on teamspeak when in-game and sometimes when not in-game, it would of just been you and me talking, so you wouldn't have felt outnumbered.

Now I will await a response from the gods(Admins) and if they see it fit, then I will accept my punishment.

Anyway thank you for reading


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