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Merry Christmas ♥ (Giveaway)


Merry Christmas to everyone! 
Heyy everyone ~
Today we celebrate Christmas in Germany
So I'd like to wish you and your families a merry merry Christmas
All the best for the new year
& good times!
I love this community
It's the best I have ever been part on
& because I love it so much I bought 3 games that I'd like to give to you
Game of Thrones
Payday 2
Goat Simulator
All I want you to do is ..
Write down why you love this community.
The 3 comments with the most likes will get the games.
1st Place: Game of Thrones
2nd Place: Payday 2
3rd Place: Goat Simulator 
You have time till tomorrow 1 pm.
Till then:
Enjoy yourselves & remember:
Steph ♥
I love this community because sometimes we get free games.

(Imagine a gif here)

Merry Christmas, Steph!

Why I love ALUK...

1) All the people are like family to me... everyone is so kind and caring

2) The RP is serious and very fun to be in

3) The community has smaller groups like the nhs, gangs and police constabularys where everyone is friends aswell

4) The admins actually ban rule breakers and not just ignore them

Basically, just everyone is so nice and the community is so friendly, welcoming and fun to be around!

Merry Christmas Steph!

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(Not in it for the give away)​
I love this community because it is full of weird and amazing people and they all make you feel like your a part something and with a wide range of games this community is involved in you are never out of options with what to play.

I guess the admins/mods are ok too though...

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I love ALUK because the RP is of some individuals as also the whole community is awesome and alot of fun. Also all the admins put some serious work into everything ... Thanks <3 Merry Christmas everyone, Make sure to spend some time with your beloved. :)

Dave (Steph) thanks for giving away the games :p !

Greeting from Germany <3,


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I love this community because I can and no one can take that away from me and if you did i`d find out where you lived and i`d handcuff you and keep you prisioner in my basement and force feed you chicken nuggets from McDonalds. After force feeding you a big box of Chicken nuggets I would make you sit down and watch Justin B music video baby baby baby ohhhh or just play the music recording of steph singing lady GAGA!

I love this community because I get to be a bastard with other people and get away with it. 

I mean ... I get to be nice ... and give out cookies .... *cough*

I love this community because I have met so many different people from all four corners of the world, and also how from this community I have gone on to play Fifa and epoch for example and have made new friendships that I have carried over to altis. 

I love this Community because, this is the most unique place I've ever been a part of. We have loads of fun everyday and we roleplay to our hearts extend, I never thought I could ever join a community and love it as much as I do. I don't know what I would do without this community, I would probably sit in a corner and cry.

Heres a pic so i might get more likes #Likehunter


And Steph thanks for this giveaway, so many giveaways this christmas.. i should do a 1st of january giveaway!

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We have some winners  ♥

1st.: Mister Grumpy 

2nd.: Mister Ross

3rd: The bearded wonder also known as Reverend

Enjoy guys! 
I think luckily I have you all on Steam :)

Everyone else: Merry Christmas!



We have some winners ♥

1st.: Mister Grumpy

2nd.: Mister Ross

3rd: The bearded wonder also known as Reverend

Enjoy guys!

I think luckily I have you all on Steam :)

Everyone else: Merry Christmas!
Don't think you have me, check your PM for my steam name :) Merry christmas everyone!

EDIT: Decided I don't want the game so give it to someone else who would actually play it :)

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Well that was a depressing turn out, we have hundreds of active members on the forums every day and we only got a few people who write why they like the community...

Im disappointed, but fair play to the people that did.

Well that was a depressing turn out, we have hundreds of active members on the forums every day and we only got a few people who write why they like the community...

Im disappointed, but fair play to the people that did.
I didn't want to take part in this giveaway so hence didn't write up.But i did wish merry Christmas
