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Medical personel killed by gunfire, no warning given.

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
[LRG] Sad Hoshi
Time & Date this happened:
Thu 20/11/2014 ~3:30 AM
Description of what happened:
After the police had a shooting with a rebel party we got called to the scene. As ordered i revive the downed policemen first and await their orders towards me to revive the bandits so they can restrain them in an orderly fashion. This all did take place. Since the bandits were in custody and everybody seemed to be in good health we started to return towards the ambulance to continue onwards to the hospital. En route to the ambulance, not even 20meters, i get shot no warning given.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
No. As there were plenty of people on scene still, (civs, police and fellow medics) this is pretty much a clear cut case if you ask me.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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Sorry man, you ran in front of my gunfire. I was shooting at the 2 or 3 cops that were arresting my buddies. From where I was with iron sites I couldn't see people too well, I honestly didn't even know I killed you.

With that said you ran in front of gunfire, as I shot many times before you were actually killed.

There was a lot of stuff blocking from where I shot from including trees, buildings, and rocks. The only things I saw were an Ifrit, one of my guys, and 3 cops.

the person who fired was not on scene, as you should be able to tell he was at a distance in  a hiding position. All bandits and police were revived, and arrested. On the run back to the ambulance he shot me. How is that running into gunfire?

I was a medic behind the buildings reviving cops at the time. Duck was standing there for about 5 seconds before the first shot rang out and hit him. This is a screenshot I took in the middle of the fight while taking cover. 

Honestly everyone is acting like he ran up to you and pulled the trigger. There was a firefight, mistakes were made. Hoshi isnt the best shot and from 150m with an ironsight in a firefight he probably got spooked, and shot.  There has only been 2 medic deaths from LRG and this is the second. The first I personally killed FA toshi because he hid behind a cop car that i was shooting at**which me and him solved moments after and i comp'd him**. He didnt intentionally kill you and he did apologize to you. Also as a friendly note use this template when reporting someone. Id appreciate if we can wait for admin review and appreciate everyones input in this  - LRG The American  

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
Description of what happened:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
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All medics u know the rules, any sort of gun fire u run and hide until its safe, you cant just keep reviving cops when there is gun fire

OK ....

 All medics are given instruction under no circumstance are you to revive during combat. accusing a NHS staff member of combat reviving is quite serious.
If we arrive on scene and there is no gunfire, but 1 of your members is 150M away, how is the medic supposed to know there is a hidden sniper ? and not revive. how did he warn that medic?
Yes your mates might of been getting arrested but for you to suddenly rock up and start to fire into a group of people regardless of who you hit is ridiculous.... you would of been just as likley to hit your friends as you would the police.

If you are unable to see a man dressed in bright luminescent yellow compared to peope in blue/black and camo. Then i suggest you put the gun down and do something else in your gang, prefferably something that does not involve vision.

What will easily resolve this would be the recording of the event.
does anybody here have a link to the stream please.

@b_duck please edit your original post with the template nick has kindly provided for you.

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I can assure you Every medic has this pointed out Very clearly at every interview and during their induction.

I make it abundantly clear whenever there is a possibility that combat reviving may take place that the medic should leave the scene.

Please re-read my earlier posts, to see I have already stated this in this thread. Along with the fact that Combat revive reports is taken very seriously, I am still awaiting the address of the stream to review the footage.

There was no shooting going on when the medics were on scene. Please, do hand us the video to prove me wrong.

bigboy101 said:
No you do not understand mate.. there was simply not 1 guy alive.. there was 3/4 guys alive shooting and this medic stands behind the police the whole entire time and then when they scrap the ifrit he stands where the ifrit was.. lol our whole group was there ontop of buildings and hidden in bushs around the location the medic arrived well befor anyone even shot, and when people did start shooting did he leave? nope he stayed behind the police and just kept reviving them when they would die.. so i don't see what the problem was.. the medic did not follow rules and got killed because of it.. not to mention this medic was right in the middle of the police during the gun-fire at no point during 5minutes was a shot not being taken lol.. ill leave that there for you to read over and over..
That is a very serious accusation. If you are accusing my guys of combat revive, while gunshots are being fired (which would indicate an active combat situation) and that last shot fired has not been more than 5min, I expect to see some videos or screenshots. 

If the cops are cleaning up after a fight, and the medics are reviving so they can be arrested and you open fire with no RP esablished, you are the ones at fault for RDM and killing Medics without a valid reason. The fact you're hiding in a bush doesn't change that as far as the police and medics can see, the fight is over. 

If you re-engage, you cannot target the medics first. And in that case, the medics might not know where the shots are coming from so consider where they are to be safest. 

But regardless, either provide tangible evidence of combat reviving, or retract your accusations please.

What a clusterfuck. Locking pending review.

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