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Medical Lolly-Pop Deliveryries

Cornwall, UK
So, who ever keeps leaving notes at the front desk of Kavala hospital reading 'Please deliver 200 lolly-pops of various flavours to Kavala PD including Apple, Cherry, Strawberry, whale semen, Hobo Ear Wax and salty rebel' THE NHS IS NOT A DELIVERY SERVICE! We are happy to make some deliveries in return for hats. Now this mostly applies to the Police Force and there associates but we are happy to make exceptions. 

Police - Please leave a note with your name and rank.

Civilian - Pull either me (FA. Jimmy) or my dear buddy (PAR. Panzerpenguin) over and request an amount of lolly-pops (given you have the prescription required - you know who you are). (please note this cannot exceed 50.) (please also note other medics may not be so kind as to give them out)


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I would just like too add that we are out of Whale sperm it will take around 2 weeks for the resupply :)


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New and improved for use in specialized situations

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