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Mechanic Job Wages


New member
Hey everyone,

Why can't mechanic jobs be priced based on the distance of the drop off location, much like the way taxi driving works with NPCs?

There are currently an awful lot of player jobs for Paleto and they are just not worth doing as it is about 5 miles out of the main city and you only get 5k(ish) for the job.

I think that would be a good quality of life change for the city.


Swatto (Stevie Nickle)

I feel like this would mean vehicle transfer prices would have to change as well, as the money the player pays is pretty much the same amount the job pays. So lets say you want to go across the road it would be like 2k, but if its trucking depot to paleto, then like 9k maybe? Would definitely improve the job, but we need to ask is it really worth the amount of time and hassle it would cause the devs? 

Even though the coding could be as simple as "parking A" to "parking B" Then price=####.

The time comes from the multiple variations of A to B. For example 20 parking spaces give 190 variations 1 way. So that would be 380 lines of repetitive code with just a few sections changed.

Math may be wrong. It's been a long day

This makes sense, X Price Per mile would likely be a more effective way to implement I'd imagine. 

3k base paid by the user

+ 1.5k per mile distance adjustment paid by user or government.

If paid by user: Pro - fits with player driven economy, doesn't create money from nowhere. Con - would make distant jobs quite expensive for people.

If paid by gov: Pro - keeps the costn of mechic transfers low to encourage more people to use it and create work. Con - would not fit with the direction staff/devs seem to be moving in with reducing government paid services.
