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Mechanic Job Improvements / Tweaks

Joe Scrub

Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
1) Rename "Player job" to "Private job", a couple of times I've referred to player jobs as such in RP as that's what they're called but it's OOC, this would make referring to them in game less strange.

2) Have a different colour for player and police jobs in the job list.

3) Show the name of the vehicle that the job is for in the list, this would be a huge QoL improvement for finding the right car. Currently you have to assign, unassign to make the dispatch pop up and then re-assign to keep the job.
Thread: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/...e-and-player-towing-jobs.420942/#post-2462513

4) Distance-based pay for transfers. Currently transfers pay a flat rate of 5,650 which for around the city is fine, but for anything out of city it's quite low. A return taxi trip to Paleto is >20k, a fuel job is >25k, a return mechanic job would only be 10k.
Thread: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/mechanic-job-wages.422245/ https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/mechanic-job.425469/#post-2485182
Implemented :)

5) Implement a way (or multiple) to reduce the amount of 'police jobs' that despawn or are left uncompleted for hours:
  • Once impounded, a vehicle will be locked if it wasn't already - this will reduce the amount of impounded cars driven away before the mechanic arrives.
  • Alternative to above, vehicle is 'clamped' and cannot be driven until a mechanic impounds the vehicle or the job is deleted.
    Full thread: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/ability-to-clamp-vehicles.425863/#post-2486730
  • If possible, prevent vehicles marked for impound from being cleaned up by the server so that when the mechanic arrives they haven't wasted a journey for a deleted vehicle. (not possible)
  • Alternative to above, if a vehicle is cleaned up then the job for it is also deleted. (Not Possible)
  • Implement a timer on police jobs where if they are not completed within a certain time (maybe 30 mins?), the job is deleted and the vehicle are deleted. This will prevent there being 10 old mechanic jobs to check before deleting.
6) Custom tips / payment amounts for transfer jobs.
Thread: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/...-mechanic-car-deliveries.423035/#post-2473284

7) Battery chargers?
Thread: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/...l-cans-for-electric-cars.423446/#post-2475255

8) Add a specific message for attempting to impound a vehicle assigned to someone else, something like "This vehicle is assigned to another mechanic."
Implemented, I think.

9) Add some visual ques for where to drop off player job vehicles as sometimes the area marker shown on GPS is hard to interpret or slightly wrong, a 'garage marker' once in the area of delivery such as featured on houses would be a nice QoL feature to have.

10) Little marker above the target vehicle for impound such as the delivery trailers and vehicles withdrawn from parking have, this would make finding the vehicle you are assigned to in a pileup easier, I personally am fine with how it is but sometimes new mechanics struggle with this a lot.

11) Allow job deleting directly from the job list.
Thread: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/mechanic-dispatch-system.416492/

11) Prevent vehicles from being parked if they have another one attached. Currently you can accidentally park your flatbed / slamtruck instead of clicking mechanical options to unload the vehicle you're moving, this is pretty brutal after a run to Paleto and back.
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  • Once impounded, a vehicle will be locked if it wasn't already - this will reduce the amount of impounded cars driven away before the mechanic arrives.
  • Alternative to above, vehicle is 'clamped' and cannot be driven until a mechanic impounds the vehicle or the job is deleted.
This would just prevent any RP allowing people to get their vehicles back for that session.

If possible, prevent vehicles marked for impound from being cleaned up by the server so that when the mechanic arrives they haven't wasted a journey for a deleted vehicle.
This isn't possible else we would've already done it.

This would just prevent any RP allowing people to get their vehicles back for that session.
Disagree, they could pick lock the clamp, That way it gives them chance to get there car back before Mechanic arrives and if Mechanic arrives and they are trying to remove clamp, adds more RP where police come as it is a crime, or they can threaten to get their car back which again leads to more RP. I do understand Joe frustrations with the Towing, getting to destination and the car is gone. How ever i think Mechanic should be given the option to impound them self or recover cars they come across which would be a good way to earn more money as the amount of cars abandoned because not theres and then they just jump in another is crazy. They should not be allowed to do that. 

How ever i think Mechanic should be given the option to impound them self or recover cars they come across which would be a good way to earn more money as the amount of cars abandoned because not theres and then they just jump in another is crazy. They should not be allowed to do that. 
Giving EVERY mechanic the ability to impound any car at will would be a total mess. 

Giving EVERY mechanic the ability to impound any car at will would be a total mess. 
I'd like to see a whitelisted parking enforcement role that give's out tickets and can impound cars illegally parked or abandoned on roadways. Maybe this could just expand a function of G6?

Have them drive this.


Giving EVERY mechanic the ability to impound any car at will would be a total mess. 
Do it at a certain level then. gives people the chance to start their own buisness e.g. towing and impounding company and they get money for impounding or towing instead

I'd like to see a whitelisted parking enforcement role that give's out tickets and can impound cars illegally parked or abandoned on roadways. Maybe this could just expand a function of G6?

Have them drive this.

I'd defo have this as a seperate job to G6

Do it at a certain level then. gives people the chance to start their own buisness e.g. towing and impounding company and they get money for impounding or towing instead
the issue is more trolling, if we were to give mechanics the option to just impound any vehicle they see it should be changed to semi whitelisted compared to now

the issue is more trolling, if we were to give mechanics the option to just impound any vehicle they see it should be changed to semi whitelisted compared to now
I'd love the option to become 'impound certified' or something, where you complete training and a test with the police for example and are then able to impound vehicles if justified but you have to keep evidence and log a reason or you can lose your cert.

I like the clamp idea, making it a touch harder for people to nick cars which have been marked for impounding.  A quick lockpick and it'd be free again but I don't see issues with that.

Even just setting the car's state to locked would be a nice middle ground.

I'd like to see a whitelisted parking enforcement role that give's out tickets and can impound cars illegally parked or abandoned on roadways. Maybe this could just expand a function of G6?

Have them drive this.

This is sort of my real world job currently - I know, scum of the earth.

If management/devs wants to implement something like this I am happy to assist with setting up and providing appropriate legislation information that can be translated into the game, I don't mind figuring out a training system for it too.

My job is the issue of parking tickets to illegally parked vehicles though, we don't issue towing orders in my area unless the vehicle is confirmed abandoned by the environmental enforcement team.

Shameless bump due to some extra ideas and links into other threads about mechanic work.