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May i have another chance on the server ? (Unbanned 20/12/2014)

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Well-known member
IGN: Joffrey lannister

Banned for:

If i may have another chance on the server if it is possible ? I do not want any conflicts with anybody about this, i will from this point on respect the admins decicions and not question the actions of the admins. Further more i will not ask why i am not getting unbanned right away.

I have read it. You locked to topic so i never got the chance to apoligize.

I was acting foolish and i am sorry for that.

The long ban que was just so frustrating because other player whom got banned after me would be getting unbbaned the day or the following day, where i had been waiting for about 10 days.

I had no reason to call bullshit on the admins, and  i do not say that wilco does not have alot to do but im just asking for another chance. 

Ciaran who initially approved you for an unban said it could be denied because you were being an arse.

I just re-read the clusterfuck that was your initial unban and think another 3 days before I look at it again will suffice.


Ciaran who initially approved you for an unban said it could be denied because you were being an arse.

I just re-read the clusterfuck that was your initial unban and think another 3 days before I look at it again will suffice.

All the time you need :) Yes i did learn my leson :D

Thanks for looking into it again. Means alot to me.

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