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Matthew Darhk - 76561198034502051 - Never unban (Admitted or Joked about Child abuse in-game)

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In-game Name

Matthew Darhk

Steam ID


Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.

I logged on, the 08/02/2019, I were in the Teamspeak Channel; NHS Patrol Channels and In-Game as a Medic. I rolled around with another medic, I believe it was a SUR? I not entirely sure, but anyhow, I patrolled for a few hours, and decided to log off, due to me being tired. Now this is when I receive a message from Wilco, asking "Why are you marked as red" or something along those lines, and as Teamspeak, doesn't let blocked users message the the individual who blocked you, I replied to Wilco that "I don't know", and the next morning 09/02/2019 I made an attempt to log on Teamspeak, and it appears I got 1.6'ed by Wilco. Now this is when I wondered, what I possibly could have done wrong to deserve a 1.6, it appears so, that due to Wilco thought I ignored him, which from my perspective I did not, but from his I did, due to I couldn't message him as he got me blocked, and therefore I made an appeal, and of course I was foolish enough to act as I did, say what I did, and cause unnessecary drama... So I made an appeal, and rather than being honest, I decided to be a complete fool, and I started to act very defensive, despite the fact that Wilco did nothing wrong, however I did. I started to make an aggresive play and mention various different stuff that perhaps I never should've, then Wilco recordings showed that I say "I've fingered a child before" or something along those lines and say he didn't want players on the server like that., completely understandable and reasonable to act as he did.. After I've been causing drama and being trouble for no reason what so ever, the Appeal got DENIED, by Wilco, because of the fact that I broke a rule which I never intented to do on purpose, however whatever happened, happened I can not change it and it is what it is yet still till this day.  After he DENIED it, I was foolish enough to make another appeal 5 minutes later. Giving even more reason to 1.6 me, and of course I wrote something that perhaps is bad(I can not find the second appeal of mine), and then Aiden the admin DENIED it, and issued me a PERM ban on the forums. Then I tried to log on to Roleplay.co.uk and I see I got banned for 1.6 by Wilco(If I remember correctly), this is so the reason which I think I got banned for.

What have you been upto in the last 6 months+ ?

Throughout my 5 month and 22 days, leaving 10 days left before 6 month, I've been playing some Euro Truck Simulator, LA Noire, CS:GO, Arma 3(Server will not be named due to the respect of the server and to prevent advertisement), I've been playing games forth and back constantly, having fun here and there.

Why do you want to return ?

Roleplay.co.uk, has been my first Roleplay Community that I've played on, my first time playing I'd no idea what to do, I met some people and and had fun, did runs, and made my way to the rebel life, untill I joined the cops. Now after joining the cops, I made some loyal friends, someone I would play with anytime on RPUK with. however, unable to due to the incident of mine causing myself to be banned for 1.6 on every platform. Althought, I would like to return, just not only because of the mentioned stuff, however also because I've had great RP scenarios, and had some great fun with friends/gangs, and got to know others pretty well, that I don't wish to leave the community 100%. Some part of me will always be wanting to play here due to the people, the fun and the roleplay. I've never seeked to go beyond the rulesets, I've always followed them and made sure that I am within the rulesets, but this time I messed up big time.

Why should we unban you ?

Well, I am of course terribly sorry for my actions and what they caused within the forums and In-Game wise. I've been with this community for a long while, however never breached any sort of rules, and not looking to do so, I've re-read the Rules within the server and I understand how it is justified to take such action against me. I've been terrible to Wilco, and I of course am sending my apology to him. Since I joined I've never broken any sort of rules, but the day I did was so at 08/02/2019-09/02/2019. Probably mentioned, but due to Teamspeak not allowed blocked users to message you, I got  1.6'ed and I acted like a proper smart ass, thinking that I would get away with it. I've till this day, known why this was classed as justified.  

I will however still state that I know how it makes me look, when I say In-Game as a whitelisted fraction "I have touched kids before"(something along that). I know that I was ment to set an example as for being a medic within a Whitelisted fraction, I should never have acted as I did nor have said what I said. I see my mistake, and I can assure you this won't be repeated if I do get unbanned, and if I don't it is also a gurantee that it will not be repeated as I physicly won't be able to join the server. 

Yes, perhaps I should've been more mature, perhaps I should've been more serious and made sure that I was setting an example considering I were in a whitelisted fraction, and I was being terrible to WIlco, I can not deny what I did, 'cause what I did, is something I can not change, as I can not go back 5 months and 22 days. It is what it is and it will always be something that I sure have improved on plenty. So by me sending this apology to Wilco doesn't mean that I am doing it because I want to be unbanned, however it is my responsibillity of what I say, what I do, and what I think, this is a matter of me apologising for having done what I did, and for what I said, once again terribly sorry, and I of course should've waited out my 10 days, but I really jsut wanted to be unbanned so I can say "I can play with you again" to those I have befriended on the community. I understand this perhaps is not a good excues for posting it 10 days earlier, and I respect if chosen to be denied, as I may have failed to obey the Unban appeal Process rule, I truely just wish to be unbanned to be able to have some fun, but that doesn't mean I can break a rule, that is also why I respect if chosen to be denied for such.

Buttom line is, I fucked up, and really should've been more honest and direct, instead of acting the way I did, saying what I did, and causing Unnessecary drama on the forums causing me to be banned on every RPUK Platform, I am really sorry, and I can assure to whomever may be dealing with this, I've improved, and if chosen to unban me, this will not be repeated nor any other rule breaks, as I would love to still being able to connect now and then and say hello to old friends and new friends. However if this appeal will be denied due to me not being 6 months or more banned from the server, please do consider keeping me banned till I've been banned for 6 months, instead of Denying it, either way the decision made on this appeal will not be critized as there is every reason to keep me banned and other hand every reason to deny this appeal due to me not having met 6month+ requirement in order to appeal.

Written and posted by....

Matthew Darhk

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.


I confirm 6 months+ have passed since my denied appeal.


Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


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Your Permanent Appeal has been denied


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