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Market day

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New member
I was thinking maybe one day a week have an area on the map marked as the market and players can meet up too trade goods. Maybe you could work some way for people to hire stalls at so much per hour?

Pros: Lots of rp opportunities and a good thing to help people sell their goods.

Cons: I don't know how easy it would be too implement but I don't see any cons to it imo.

Nothing to stop people organising this on Tweedle then going to said location with their car or truck and selling goods. Not needed, nor worth dev time.

Nothing to stop people organising this on Tweedle then going to said location with their car or truck and selling goods. Not needed, nor worth dev time.
Fair point but i think a more official thing would encourage more people to get involved and thus create more rp, especially for people new to the server.  

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The best way to raise interest in such ideas is to push the proof of concept through with what you've got. If it gains popular interest, it's an eye opener for developers to perhaps agree the suggestion.

Example - people host music events, playing music through VOIP from party bus or DJ decks. Despite technical issues, people continued as it was good fun. Result - now have a different system for special effects and queuing YouTube music which sounds far better and is actually more user-friendly as you don't need to mess about with microphone inputs or 3rd party software.

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