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MariaBatePalms (RDM,VDM)

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Legendary Donator

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
1:20 am (GMT)  Friday 7th November
Description of what happened:
My pals and myself were out picking some fresh cocaine, and as we were finishing we saw that there was a convey heading towards us. When we were just leaving I was shot from over 700m away (the offenders own words). And then my pal was ran over and one of the offenders parked their truck on him so he was disabled, un-able to protect his precious cocaine. 
I then logged off to upload my Go-pro video to the forums but had a lack of disk space so there is no hard evidence.
I apologise for this
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
 we talked to them in side, and they said that their role-play as actually killing us? which doesn't make sense.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
Unfortunately I have no hard evidence, but the offenders admitted to killing us on sight. (in side chat)
if you don't ban this person, could you at least keep an eye on him?
Thanks Admins. - [LRG] Jack
Also, to add to this, the group has the nerve to scrap 2 of my hemmet boxes. That is utter Bullshit. 

Potentially put in a compensation request for the hemmt's as they were lost due to rdm.

Don't know if u will get it but worth checking

iv'e recorded my reaction to losing the hemmet boxes.  - suicide in-game 

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