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[Maratek] RDM.

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Threatened to DDOS if he is not unbanned
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Maratek
Time & Date this happened: 15:30 15.02.15
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: 
After being taken hostage by a gang in Athira, I was forced into a Helicopter at gunpoint and told that if I didn't do what they say, I would die.
I was told to get out of the helicopter, I went over to the police to try and explain what had just happened, and then i was shot dead by Maratek whilst trying to RP (With huge de sync) to the 2 officers on scene.
What Rule Was Broken ?: RDM
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, I tried to speak to Maratek on Teamspeak but was rudely swatted aside. (Screenshot attached)
Please post video evidence/screenshots here.


I was present at the time, So I will state what I know, I got a message from the officers being trained that people was attacking the training area, so I turned up and see multiple injured officers, then the server started to have some issues, once it caught up I saw GnC Bump flying off in his helicopter after dropping you off, the fact you say you was a hostage was highly unbeleivable due to you being free and carrying an illegal fire arm.

Nice use of the Tilda "Metagame" key at 1:20 in your video.

You have no RP reason to be their.

Denied, read the following about your so called 'Hostage Takers':


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