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Make Gang Masks Craftable


Los Santos NHS
At the risk of being slaughtered...

This suggestion aims to add something to gang rp.
Some might hate it, but hopefully a lot will like it. Regardless if anyone has any ideas to add, or good points, feel free.

The suggestion is in it’s shortest form; make gang masks craftable.

Instead of it being equipped through the clothing menu, you craft it at a gang bench, and equip it through your inventory.
A gang would only be able to craft their own mask, at their own bench.

This means gangs have to put effort into sourcing the products needed to make the masks; buy or farm materials for it, and craft them.
The suggestion is that a mask has a limited amount of times you can equip it, and it slowly “wears and tears” like how a gun breaks.

(Or as @Gekz mentioned, have it break faster, that way you can't use it for too long, and cause too much. This still let's others keep the broken masks as trophies).

It also means your mask can then be stolen off of you.

Stealing it would work in two ways;
1. If you are being robbed, and instructed to hand over your mask, you can drop it, as it is an item.
2. If you are downed, the person stealing your mask will have to use their third eye on you, and click “Attempt to steal mask”. This will force them into a crouching emote, and an action bar will come up. The action bar will take a rather long time, allowing for you to be interrupted.

This allows for RP where rival gangs might keep gang masks as trophies after or during a war, situations where gangs might set up other gangs, and where you might use it when negotiating a truce; "You must also return all stolen masks to us", etc.

I think this could lead to some interesting RP, good banter, beef and trades.

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+1 and -1

I actually quite like this idea, but how would it work?

For example a “blueprint” as such where you have to source a “blank mask” and then other materials to “print” the mask with your design? Say for example a dye? Or would it just be generic materials and something specific to each gang to make it theirs?

Also would this be limited to only being made on your gangs personal crafting bench? As I know F6’s can give permissions for people to use the bench so it could prevent anyone in the gang making it and limits it to maybe higher ups (or whatever the gang chooses)?

I feel like this could add a lot of RP to the “initiation” of a new member into the gang. Instead of just giving them access to the gang wardrobe and them just putting it on, a “higher up” member for example has to make their mask and actually RP out that member receiving their mask and being initiated into the gang as a member.

2. If you are downed, the person stealing your mask will have to use their third eye on you, and click “Attempt to steal mask”. This will force them into a crouching emote, and an action bar will come up. The action bar will take a rather long time, allowing for you to be interrupted.
Although I wouldn’t agree that it should “take a rather long time” but more so a realistic time it would take to untie a mask from the back of the head and maybe give the other person the option to “fight back” almost like breaking cuffs? So they have to be ready and on the ball to hit that number to “resist” as such. “Remove mask” on the 3rd eye could be replaced with “Steal mask”.

EDIT: On the other hand though I can see why people would disagree. The masks are whitelisted for a reason. It could lead to more RDM (reports) when in a fight and some random is wearing a mask they stole then cries they got shot at in a fight. Would this come down to common sense? Does it take away the point of the masks being whitelisted?
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+1 more rp and more for gangs to do. add new materials or use hemp wadding to make the masks.
+1 - could add dye to the server and then use dye and 1 other same thing to make your mask at your bench, it will just work like the penguin and fox masks you get in your inventory
+1 - could add dye to the server and then use dye and 1 other same thing to make your mask at your bench, it will just work like the penguin and fox masks you get in your inventory
Could use hemp wadding as @qaws said above for the mask itself and then use water and maybe food colouring to make the dye? The food colouring could be sold at Nobles for example so gangs have to find someone who can supply them with the food colouring eg a shop or resturant? That brings RP for the gangs as well as the suppliers.

Edit: it could be something that shops and restaurants can order but can’t put in stock/in the tills so they could only order it for that RP with the gangs.
In terms of roleplay avenues I think it could generate interesting ones for gangs like Lucy stated above, however in my personal opinion if you think there is a lot of gang wars happening now, if this was introduced I think you would see a lot more gang wars happening which I'm not sure civillians, police or more importantly staff, would feel about that. If it is to be something that is implemented I think it should be something that breaks after 2 days or something, basically a very short period of time.

Put it this way, as an example, 25 Cutlass fight 25 Ballas, let's say Cutlass win and get their hands on 25 Balla masks. If Cutlass do a bank job wearing the Balla masks and get away with it, police will be at Ballas day and night arresting everyone. Sure its more roleplay but I don't think 1 police will hear a word ballas have to say and 2 I don't think Ballas would be very happy. The most likely outcome being a shoot out with Ballas and Police, which we have seen in the past isn't a 1-day thing, I've seen it happening for over a week. This would be something to deal with in RP and it is just roleplay so not much you can do about it but I know if I were a Balla in that situation I wouldn't even want to log on knowing I'm either going to prison for a long time, losing a gun that I've grinded to buy or simply just going around the city blacked out hoping I don't get stopped by police or get pulled up on by cutlass.

This example is obviously an extremity but I think it all has to be taken into account if such a big change were to be made. There would need to be certain things in place to make this work as intended, the way I see it its only going to lead to more wars and OOC drama like reports. Not to mention its "whitelisted" clothing for a reason, only a select amount of people should actually have it, you wouldnt exactly want a baldie with his white shirt, jeans and purple shoes going around in a Cutlass mask doing or saying crazy things, would make the gang look bad and the server look bad if new comers saw, what in their eyes, is a whitelisted group saying or doing mad shit.

Overall -1
In terms of roleplay avenues I think it could generate interesting ones for gangs like Lucy stated above, however in my personal opinion if you think there is a lot of gang wars happening now, if this was introduced I think you would see a lot more gang wars happening which I'm not sure civillians, police or more importantly staff, would feel about that. If it is to be something that is implemented I think it should be something that breaks after 2 days or something, basically a very short period of time.

Put it this way, as an example, 25 Cutlass fight 25 Ballas, let's say Cutlass win and get their hands on 25 Balla masks. If Cutlass do a bank job wearing the Balla masks and get away with it, police will be at Ballas day and night arresting everyone. Sure its more roleplay but I don't think 1 police will hear a word ballas have to say and 2 I don't think Ballas would be very happy. The most likely outcome being a shoot out with Ballas and Police, which we have seen in the past isn't a 1-day thing, I've seen it happening for over a week. This would be something to deal with in RP and it is just roleplay so not much you can do about it but I know if I were a Balla in that situation I wouldn't even want to log on knowing I'm either going to prison for a long time, losing a gun that I've grinded to buy or simply just going around the city blacked out hoping I don't get stopped by police or get pulled up on by cutlass.

This example is obviously an extremity but I think it all has to be taken into account if such a big change were to be made. There would need to be certain things in place to make this work as intended, the way I see it its only going to lead to more wars and OOC drama like reports. Not to mention its "whitelisted" clothing for a reason, only a select amount of people should actually have it, you wouldnt exactly want a baldie with his white shirt, jeans and purple shoes going around in a Cutlass mask doing or saying crazy things, would make the gang look bad and the server look bad if new comers saw, what in their eyes, is a whitelisted group saying or doing mad shit.

Overall -1
It could work like police weapons (kinda)? If stolen the durability depletes extremely and it lasts only 24 hours then it’s no good and can’t be worn?
In terms of roleplay avenues I think it could generate interesting ones for gangs like Lucy stated above, however in my personal opinion if you think there is a lot of gang wars happening now, if this was introduced I think you would see a lot more gang wars happening which I'm not sure civillians, police or more importantly staff, would feel about that. If it is to be something that is implemented I think it should be something that breaks after 2 days or something, basically a very short period of time.

Put it this way, as an example, 25 Cutlass fight 25 Ballas, let's say Cutlass win and get their hands on 25 Balla masks. If Cutlass do a bank job wearing the Balla masks and get away with it, police will be at Ballas day and night arresting everyone. Sure its more roleplay but I don't think 1 police will hear a word ballas have to say and 2 I don't think Ballas would be very happy. The most likely outcome being a shoot out with Ballas and Police, which we have seen in the past isn't a 1-day thing, I've seen it happening for over a week. This would be something to deal with in RP and it is just roleplay so not much you can do about it but I know if I were a Balla in that situation I wouldn't even want to log on knowing I'm either going to prison for a long time, losing a gun that I've grinded to buy or simply just going around the city blacked out hoping I don't get stopped by police or get pulled up on by cutlass.

This example is obviously an extremity but I think it all has to be taken into account if such a big change were to be made. There would need to be certain things in place to make this work as intended, the way I see it its only going to lead to more wars and OOC drama like reports. Not to mention its "whitelisted" clothing for a reason, only a select amount of people should actually have it, you wouldnt exactly want a baldie with his white shirt, jeans and purple shoes going around in a Cutlass mask doing or saying crazy things, would make the gang look bad and the server look bad if new comers saw, what in their eyes, is a whitelisted group saying or doing mad shit.

Overall -1

I agree with this, it could break like a gun, but it be faster, rather than a x times used.
This would also allow people to keep the broken masks, unable to equip them, as trophies?
It could work like police weapons (kinda)? If stolen the durability depletes extremely and it lasts only 24 hours then it’s no good and can’t be worn?
Wouldn't be a bad idea, but you lose a fight and spawn in and having to go to your gang bench to craft yourself another mask seems a bit long, sure you can have them stockpiled somewhere but you would need to craft about 1000 with how much people die, I can't picture a gang lead or higher ups sitting at a crafting bench for hours to make sure their gang is good on masks.
I agree with this, it could break like a gun, but it be faster, rather than a x times used.
This would also allow people to keep the broken masks, unable to equip them, as trophies?
I think if you could instead of wearing it could do a certain emote where you can actually hold it (I don't even know if this is possible to code in but an idea either way) or its just something you keep in your pockets and can store away and you can keep it as a show of "how many bodies you have caught". This could bring police and CID into the roleplay too it could be used as evidence for them to try and dig up like if they've seen a Grove member kill a Balla member but dont catch him but keep him on their radar, if they then search his vehicles house etc they can "link him to crimes. I guess the addition of GSR could also be useful, they go to a crime scene - the GSR gets its own "code" for each shooting - then if you take a gang mask they stay with the GSR and if you are later raided and they find masks that they can then link to a "unsolved" case, you can then be charged for it.

I guess it will make it so theres an actual "risk" of taking it and keeping it somewhere. Should GSR be implemented I think there should be a way to "wash it" BUT not on masks, that would lessen the chances for further roleplay in my opinion but either way, could be interesting.
Wouldn't be a bad idea, but you lose a fight and spawn in and having to go to your gang bench to craft yourself another mask seems a bit long, sure you can have them stockpiled somewhere but you would need to craft about 1000 with how much people die, I can't picture a gang lead or higher ups sitting at a crafting bench for hours to make sure their gang is good on masks.

I think if you could instead of wearing it could do a certain emote where you can actually hold it (I don't even know if this is possible to code in but an idea either way) or its just something you keep in your pockets and can store away and you can keep it as a show of "how many bodies you have caught". This could bring police and CID into the roleplay too it could be used as evidence for them to try and dig up like if they've seen a Grove member kill a Balla member but dont catch him but keep him on their radar, if they then search his vehicles house etc they can "link him to crimes. I guess the addition of GSR could also be useful, they go to a crime scene - the GSR gets its own "code" for each shooting - then if you take a gang mask they stay with the GSR and if you are later raided and they find masks that they can then link to a "unsolved" case, you can then be charged for it.

I guess it will make it so theres an actual "risk" of taking it and keeping it somewhere. Should GSR be implemented I think there should be a way to "wash it" BUT not on masks, that would lessen the chances for further roleplay in my opinion but either way, could be interesting.
With this

HEMP is sooooo easy to get like i myself have had 2500 sitting in storage doing fuck all so if a mask is 5 hemp : 5 dye = 10 gang masks lets say then it will be easy to place alot of masks in your storage and how it could be is if the gang highers put the gang masks in storage then that links to gus and you can 3rd eye gus and click - receive gang mask and it shouldnt be an issue
Wouldn't be a bad idea, but you lose a fight and spawn in and having to go to your gang bench to craft yourself another mask seems a bit long, sure you can have them stockpiled somewhere but you would need to craft about 1000 with how much people die, I can't picture a gang lead or higher ups sitting at a crafting bench for hours to make sure their gang is good on masks.
It could be something that gets kept in gang storage that everyone in gang has access to, that way when "stock" gets low it becomes a gang job everyone goes out and gets what's needed to bring stock back up?

I think if you could instead of wearing it could do a certain emote where you can actually hold it (I don't even know if this is possible to code in but an idea either way) or its just something you keep in your pockets and can store away and you can keep it as a show of "how many bodies you have caught". This could bring police and CID into the roleplay too it could be used as evidence for them to try and dig up like if they've seen a Grove member kill a Balla member but dont catch him but keep him on their radar, if they then search his vehicles house etc they can "link him to crimes. I guess the addition of GSR could also be useful, they go to a crime scene - the GSR gets its own "code" for each shooting - then if you take a gang mask they stay with the GSR and if you are later raided and they find masks that they can then link to a "unsolved" case, you can then be charged for it.
I like this idea too. Instead of someone stealing it to "wear" it it's more of a show off item, could be the same animation as when people show/use their ID with the hand in the air and then have like a little generic pop up that shows a mask?

how it could be is if the gang highers put the gang masks in storage then that links to gus and you can 3rd eye gus and click - receive gang mask and it shouldnt be an issue
I like this idea too tbf, and it just takes it straight out the storage?

Lets get chains and jewellery you can rob of people first :)
You get a +1 too but don't some servers have this where you can take/give over your chain? A mask would be something different ig.
It could be something that gets kept in gang storage that everyone in gang has access to, that way when "stock" gets low it becomes a gang job everyone goes out and gets what's needed to bring stock back up?

I like this idea too. Instead of someone stealing it to "wear" it it's more of a show off item, could be the same animation as when people show/use their ID with the hand in the air and then have like a little generic pop up that shows a mask?

I like this idea too tbf, and it just takes it straight out the storage?

You get a +1 too but don't some servers have this where you can take/give over your chain? A mask would be something different ig.
Yes it takes it straight out of storage stock this just avoids accidentally leaving a storage open that all gang members can access open and then for example: Ballas steal 7652 Grove masks haha :D so yeah would take a little bit of coding but not too much to make it great
In terms of roleplay avenues I think it could generate interesting ones for gangs like Lucy stated above, however in my personal opinion if you think there is a lot of gang wars happening now, if this was introduced I think you would see a lot more gang wars happening which I'm not sure civillians, police or more importantly staff, would feel about that. If it is to be something that is implemented I think it should be something that breaks after 2 days or something, basically a very short period of time.

Put it this way, as an example, 25 Cutlass fight 25 Ballas, let's say Cutlass win and get their hands on 25 Balla masks. If Cutlass do a bank job wearing the Balla masks and get away with it, police will be at Ballas day and night arresting everyone. Sure its more roleplay but I don't think 1 police will hear a word ballas have to say and 2 I don't think Ballas would be very happy. The most likely outcome being a shoot out with Ballas and Police, which we have seen in the past isn't a 1-day thing, I've seen it happening for over a week. This would be something to deal with in RP and it is just roleplay so not much you can do about it but I know if I were a Balla in that situation I wouldn't even want to log on knowing I'm either going to prison for a long time, losing a gun that I've grinded to buy or simply just going around the city blacked out hoping I don't get stopped by police or get pulled up on by cutlass.

This example is obviously an extremity but I think it all has to be taken into account if such a big change were to be made. There would need to be certain things in place to make this work as intended, the way I see it its only going to lead to more wars and OOC drama like reports. Not to mention its "whitelisted" clothing for a reason, only a select amount of people should actually have it, you wouldnt exactly want a baldie with his white shirt, jeans and purple shoes going around in a Cutlass mask doing or saying crazy things, would make the gang look bad and the server look bad if new comers saw, what in their eyes, is a whitelisted group saying or doing mad shit.

Overall -1
This all just sounds like great different hostile gang RP instead of the same stuff over and over again. I think with the state of gangs we need stuff like this to make sure it stays fresh. I don't see your brought up point as a negative tbh.
With this suggestion - is it designed with the intent of opposing gangs being able to actually wear the masks - or is it more about the trophy aspect of it?

I think a if were talking more about the trophy aspect of it - fantastic idea.

I don't personally like the idea of having to craft them - it doesn't really make sense if all the other branded clothes are obtained from the wardrobe and I'm lazy af.

Being able to actually wear the masks would cause more hassle than it's worth and generally make the masks OP - the idea of 'framing' another gang into something they didn't do seems on paper a great tactic, but I can see it being overused and possibly becoming the new 'blacked out' when robbing.

It muddies the waters further when the masks are a wearable item in your inventory, for example;

- Balla member walking around with a Occult and Cutlass mask in their pocket
- Get's robbed by a Grove member who then takes the masks and adds to a stockpile in their lock up
- A week later, Grove has 10 of each gang mask in their lock up so can go on a mad one shooting police in each gangs
- Carnage

In the same way that a radio and phone can be removed from a downed player or a ziptied player, I think an additional option being added to "cut badge" would be the better option and it would provide a useless token item of "[Insert gang name] badge" - kind of like a dogtag.

The person cutting the badge would have to have a knife in their inventory and once the badge has been cut from the garment - it removes that garment from the player it's taken from.

These badges hold no value or use on their own if the RP isn't put into it to make them valuable - but gangs should essentially strive to want to ensure that another gang doesn't have a storage locker full of their badges as it's clearly disrespectful.

It could also then be used as a currency between the gangs - "Well if you want access to our cutting room, bring us 10 Azteca badges, they've been giving us lip recently and they need to be knocked down a peg"

Or as initiations for hangabouts - "You've been knocking about with us for a few weeks - if you want in on this life, earn it, go out and get a badge from [Gang name]"

I really like the idea of the roleplay around the 'badge' aspect - being part of negotiable terms for squashing a beef or ending a full scale war - and whilst RPUK is not a fragging server, there are some wars that reach a stalemate, the RP drops off and it just becomes tit for tat fragging that ends up spilling onto the forums.

So I would propose that in situations where neither side wants to give up - the trophies could be used as a 'point system' within the boundaries of RP - again for example.

Gang A and Gang B been at war for weeks
Neither side is going to yield
A meeting is called on with the the Lost as mediators as the war has escalated to such a point it's causing issues outside of the two gangs involved
Lost basically say "look, the first gang to give us 25 badges - in our eyes, are clearly the victors and the war stops from that point"

Now, the gang that is forced to yield then has a choice, do they do as they're told - yield and wars over - or do they go against the Lost's wishes and risk the consequences?

One obvious issue with using badges is that a gang could farm 100 gang members and just sit on the badges until they are needed for war - so perhaps the badges for a certain amount of time have a date in which the badge was obtained, or are labeled as "gang badge". Then after a certain amount of time the badge becomes a "tattered gang badge" and becomes 100% useless as it's clearly been stockpiled and shouldn't be considered as a recent badge within roleplay.

Hope this all makes sense!
With this suggestion - is it designed with the intent of opposing gangs being able to actually wear the masks - or is it more about the trophy aspect of it?

I think a if were talking more about the trophy aspect of it - fantastic idea.

I don't personally like the idea of having to craft them - it doesn't really make sense if all the other branded clothes are obtained from the wardrobe and I'm lazy af.

Being able to actually wear the masks would cause more hassle than it's worth and generally make the masks OP - the idea of 'framing' another gang into something they didn't do seems on paper a great tactic, but I can see it being overused and possibly becoming the new 'blacked out' when robbing.

It muddies the waters further when the masks are a wearable item in your inventory, for example;

- Balla member walking around with a Occult and Cutlass mask in their pocket
- Get's robbed by a Grove member who then takes the masks and adds to a stockpile in their lock up
- A week later, Grove has 10 of each gang mask in their lock up so can go on a mad one shooting police in each gangs
- Carnage

In the same way that a radio and phone can be removed from a downed player or a ziptied player, I think an additional option being added to "cut badge" would be the better option and it would provide a useless token item of "[Insert gang name] badge" - kind of like a dogtag.

The person cutting the badge would have to have a knife in their inventory and once the badge has been cut from the garment - it removes that garment from the player it's taken from.

These badges hold no value or use on their own if the RP isn't put into it to make them valuable - but gangs should essentially strive to want to ensure that another gang doesn't have a storage locker full of their badges as it's clearly disrespectful.

It could also then be used as a currency between the gangs - "Well if you want access to our cutting room, bring us 10 Azteca badges, they've been giving us lip recently and they need to be knocked down a peg"

Or as initiations for hangabouts - "You've been knocking about with us for a few weeks - if you want in on this life, earn it, go out and get a badge from [Gang name]"

I really like the idea of the roleplay around the 'badge' aspect - being part of negotiable terms for squashing a beef or ending a full scale war - and whilst RPUK is not a fragging server, there are some wars that reach a stalemate, the RP drops off and it just becomes tit for tat fragging that ends up spilling onto the forums.

So I would propose that in situations where neither side wants to give up - the trophies could be used as a 'point system' within the boundaries of RP - again for example.

Gang A and Gang B been at war for weeks
Neither side is going to yield
A meeting is called on with the the Lost as mediators as the war has escalated to such a point it's causing issues outside of the two gangs involved
Lost basically say "look, the first gang to give us 25 badges - in our eyes, are clearly the victors and the war stops from that point"

Now, the gang that is forced to yield then has a choice, do they do as they're told - yield and wars over - or do they go against the Lost's wishes and risk the consequences?

One obvious issue with using badges is that a gang could farm 100 gang members and just sit on the badges until they are needed for war - so perhaps the badges for a certain amount of time have a date in which the badge was obtained, or are labeled as "gang badge". Then after a certain amount of time the badge becomes a "tattered gang badge" and becomes 100% useless as it's clearly been stockpiled and shouldn't be considered as a recent badge within roleplay.

Hope this all makes sense!
Thank you for this input! I really like the idea!
This all just sounds like great different hostile gang RP instead of the same stuff over and over again. I think with the state of gangs we need stuff like this to make sure it stays fresh. I don't see your brought up point as a negative tbh.
Like @Pete said above and my own personal opinion, at first it would be refreshing and something new but I see it becoming very annoying to every gang.
With this suggestion - is it designed with the intent of opposing gangs being able to actually wear the masks - or is it more about the trophy aspect of it?

I think a if were talking more about the trophy aspect of it - fantastic idea.

I don't personally like the idea of having to craft them - it doesn't really make sense if all the other branded clothes are obtained from the wardrobe and I'm lazy af.

Being able to actually wear the masks would cause more hassle than it's worth and generally make the masks OP - the idea of 'framing' another gang into something they didn't do seems on paper a great tactic, but I can see it being overused and possibly becoming the new 'blacked out' when robbing.

It muddies the waters further when the masks are a wearable item in your inventory, for example;

- Balla member walking around with a Occult and Cutlass mask in their pocket
- Get's robbed by a Grove member who then takes the masks and adds to a stockpile in their lock up
- A week later, Grove has 10 of each gang mask in their lock up so can go on a mad one shooting police in each gangs
- Carnage

In the same way that a radio and phone can be removed from a downed player or a ziptied player, I think an additional option being added to "cut badge" would be the better option and it would provide a useless token item of "[Insert gang name] badge" - kind of like a dogtag.

The person cutting the badge would have to have a knife in their inventory and once the badge has been cut from the garment - it removes that garment from the player it's taken from.

These badges hold no value or use on their own if the RP isn't put into it to make them valuable - but gangs should essentially strive to want to ensure that another gang doesn't have a storage locker full of their badges as it's clearly disrespectful.

It could also then be used as a currency between the gangs - "Well if you want access to our cutting room, bring us 10 Azteca badges, they've been giving us lip recently and they need to be knocked down a peg"

Or as initiations for hangabouts - "You've been knocking about with us for a few weeks - if you want in on this life, earn it, go out and get a badge from [Gang name]"

I really like the idea of the roleplay around the 'badge' aspect - being part of negotiable terms for squashing a beef or ending a full scale war - and whilst RPUK is not a fragging server, there are some wars that reach a stalemate, the RP drops off and it just becomes tit for tat fragging that ends up spilling onto the forums.

So I would propose that in situations where neither side wants to give up - the trophies could be used as a 'point system' within the boundaries of RP - again for example.

Gang A and Gang B been at war for weeks
Neither side is going to yield
A meeting is called on with the the Lost as mediators as the war has escalated to such a point it's causing issues outside of the two gangs involved
Lost basically say "look, the first gang to give us 25 badges - in our eyes, are clearly the victors and the war stops from that point"

Now, the gang that is forced to yield then has a choice, do they do as they're told - yield and wars over - or do they go against the Lost's wishes and risk the consequences?

One obvious issue with using badges is that a gang could farm 100 gang members and just sit on the badges until they are needed for war - so perhaps the badges for a certain amount of time have a date in which the badge was obtained, or are labeled as "gang badge". Then after a certain amount of time the badge becomes a "tattered gang badge" and becomes 100% useless as it's clearly been stockpiled and shouldn't be considered as a recent badge within roleplay.

Hope this all makes sense!
Could be a good idea tbf, I also see it as instead of the usual one gang pays another or whatever it could be at the end of the war the gangs return each others "badges" as a sign of respect or if it's 2 groups that have had loads of issues with each other it could lead to more roleplay stories developing with the intentions of "I want to get our badges back"