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[LRG] REAB - Nosediving a Chopper.

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New member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [LRG] REAB
Time & Date this happened: 24/11/14 early early morning between 12-4 am
Description of what happened: (Copied from Description of Highlight) We had a previous run in, a few days ago with LRG people, and that was that. Died multiple times since, so NLR was in play really. So he starts following us in a chopper outside Kavala. He followed us ALL the way to the UNMC checkpoint where he attempted and failed to Nosedive us with a chopper..... Speaking to him an hour or so later in side chat, he was arguing with BradHitt.. and said he "Hit a powerline"... as you can see, there are no powerlines to hit where he descended. (The police car we hijacked and was going to try sell it to a UNMC member)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: He just argued multiple times, then tried to say we were rulebreaking.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Full 16 Minute highlight of Chopper following us WITH Nosedive footage - http://www.twitch.tv/istreamsandwich/c/5560680BradHitt's point of view on the Chopper Crash - 

http://www.twitch.tv/bradhitt/b/592156909 (Around 33 Minutes into the video..)
Before I say anything about the person being reported .. the first sentence I hear watching the Stream Video is: "Let's troll the Police"

Quick reminder:  

Rule 3: The General Rules
3A) Do not troll, running around the cops in circles, jumping off buildings without a RP reason, bombarding the police messaging system or the Medic system over and over is considered trolling. This is worthy of a ban.
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