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louis - Unban appeal (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
The Wirral -Basically Liverpool-
Your In-game name: louis

Your Steam Profile ID:

louisluciferuk                           76561198073423789 (ty stealthee)

Date & Time you was banned:14/03/2015 20:05

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:hacking??

i was playing epoch 5 minutes before with some friends who also play on ALUK. i disabled the mod and reset the game but didn't do so in the launcher. i honestly wouldn't know if this is why i got the ban but this is the only reason i can find...

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

because i didn't break any rules.

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Open ArmA 3. Go to configure, profile editor, and type or copy and paste the long number usually beginning with 7. This is your steam profile ID. The ID is always a number. :)

You triggered the servers antihack system, therefore a ban was issued.

What was running on your machine ? Please advise of the mods.

i had the ALUK mod active, Epoch inactive (but maybe open in the launcher) and thats it. I also have breaking point inactive, don't know if that helps. i had TS3, chrome, steam, arma 3 launcher and arma 3 itself running at the time of the ban

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