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Lost Money, License and more! (Completed 22/11/2014)

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Well-known member
In-game name: Olle-Theodor

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What was lost: I have lost everything that i had in game. I rejoind and then i started with 100k and nothing more. Does this have something to do with the new Update because i dont have anything to show you that its true :S I had screenshots but i have reseted my computer i can show a picture off my empty computer disks. Here: http://i.imgur.com/PUhLNnj.png


Value of item/money lost: My money i had 4M And all my gear i had my Zafir and full rebel cloths. And i dont know if i have my helicopters and cars in the garage so i have maybe lost them 2.

Quick description of what happened: I just joind the sever and then i dident have all my old stuffs. It was like starting on the Server i had 100k and nothing more. 

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