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Lost money, again... (Completed 16/03/2015)

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Well-known member
The Netherlands
In-game name: [EXP] Min. Luka

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198051429456

What was lost: Allmost 800k

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total ) : 800k

Quick description of what happened: Sold my weed  this morning, then SYNCED my data. Went to the UNMC checkpoint atm, synced data and logged off...Came back in the afternoon, and I was below the 10 million marker, AGAIN! 

So please compensate, it's really annoying to try and get above the 10 million marker when shit like this happen, every day...

Thanks in advance...

Sucks to do so much work for nothing... :(

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