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Lost Gear

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Well-known member
:-Currently Unknown!
So I spawned in this morning I have no clothes backpack or rifle but I do have my Hat & handgun? :eek:

Same happened to me - after the restart (12am) i logged in and had no gun.

I also noticed that i had money on my person which i had previously depositied. Is it possible that the server does not sync properly before a restart and we end up having a 20-30min rollback after each restart?

I bought the gun and depositied the money between 11.30 and the restart, syncing my data many times in the process.

Well I lost my clothes my rifle which I have had for days my backpack & everything in it.

On the bright side when I spawned this morning I had my boonie hat, combat goggles & handgun minus ammo. 

So I have just spent half an hour running around in the dark in my underwear with no map, NVG or any other equipment trying to locate shops to gear up.

One was not amused.


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