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Lost gear on server 2 (Completed 06/01/2015)

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New member
In-game name: [APA]  Datafriken

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561197996954657
What was lost: Rebel gear from black marked (Weapon attachments , ammo and clothes)
Value of item/money lost: £100,000
Quick description of what happened: Was at the Black marked around 30 min before the server restart and was buying me some gear : Weapon , attachments and clothes . had everything of me , did sync my data and disconnect from the server like i normal do. when i come back after the restart my clothes , attachments i had in my backpack and ammo for both of my guns was gone .
- Datafriken 
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Sorry mate but I don't think you realize that every gun in the black market costs more than 100k? I mean if you're going to lie at least make it a good one

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