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Lost Everything! Profile was completely wiped! (Completed 22/11/2014)

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In-game name:  Michael

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198077582543


What was lost: Everything was lost, I had $2,000,000 in the bank and had  many helicopters and vehicles. I also lost all of my licenses and skills! I LOVE THIS SERVER with a burning passion and have put well over 100 hours into it. I really hope you guys can help me. If not I might have to say goodbye to this server, which I really dont want to do since I just donated 5 days ago. Please, Im begging you to fix this.


Value of item/money lost:  $7,000,000 in money and items

Quick description of what happened: I honestly can't tell you what happened, because I have absolutely no clue. Yesterday I was having a blast on my amazing account. All day I was looking forward to coming home and playing some Altis Life all night long with my buddies and when I got home everything was gone.....

We dont need things to be made bigger or in bold... we know theres a issue and we have worked to fix it, Please do not do that again... I can read fine.


7mil returned to your in-game account.

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