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Lost 2.3 million

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Account suspended upon users request.
North Yorkshire
in game name: Jacob
Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198134176323
What was lost: lots of things 0rca 750k    ifrit 375k    200k cash     100k gear
lost ifrit logged out wassent there after i got rdm, lost 220k in cash and 100k in gear

lost orca after restart and lost my orca the police were taking me away in my orca my internet disconnected logged back in and it was gone after restart (was at coke processing)

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Ifrits are crushed so you ain't getting that back, also if you were at the coke processing with your Orca you were using it to coming a crime meaning that gets crushed so say goodbye to that too.

in game name: Jacob
Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198134176323
What was lost: lots of things
lost ifrit logged out wassent there after i got rdm, lost 220k in cash and 100k in gear

lost orca after restart and lost my orca the police were taking me away in my orca my internet disconnected logged back in and it was gone after restart (was at coke processing)
We need more information such as:

- Time that occured

- What gear you lost, and value with it (besides just 100k for example)

- Pictures / Video / Any kind of proof you can provide

Another note, if you had a chopper near processing, it probably was crushed since it was in a illegal zone. 

Ifrits are crushed so you ain't getting that back, also if you were at the coke processing with your Orca you were using it to coming a crime meaning that gets crushed so say goodbye to that too.
ifrit was in the middle of the field near the rebel outpost and i guessed that whith the orca

We need more information such as:

- Time that occured

- What gear you lost, and value with it (besides just 100k for example)

- Pictures / Video / Any kind of proof you can provide

Another note, if you had a chopper near processing, it probably was crushed since it was in a illegal zone. 
it was 2 weeks ago i wasent recording as like i said i wasent on the server and ill edit it

You've posted on the forum for a comp-request for stuff that was lost two weeks ago? FFS man, get real.

You already had a bunch of comps from me a couple of weeks ago, and some of that was pretty grifty, if I recall right.

Nothing doing. As others have stated, abandoned ifrits will generally be crushed on sight because they are illegal vehicles - however they came to be abandoned. And Orcas left at coke processing are generally not there for scenic tours - and although I urge officers to prove that they're involved in a crime before destroying them, it sometimes happens that it's a bit *too* obvious.

Play the game - earn some money; play the game better - get to keep it.

No comps this time.

You've posted on the forum for a comp-request for stuff that was lost two weeks ago? FFS man, get real.

You already had a bunch of comps from me a couple of weeks ago, and some of that was pretty grifty, if I recall right.

Nothing doing. As others have stated, abandoned ifrits will generally be crushed on sight because they are illegal vehicles - however they came to be abandoned. And Orcas left at coke processing are generally not there for scenic tours - and although I urge officers to prove that they're involved in a crime before destroying them, it sometimes happens that it's a bit *too* obvious.

Play the game - earn some money; play the game better - get to keep it.

No comps this time.
whats happens with orca no1 that just went on restart 

Comp request denied.

If you lose in game cash contact us instantly.

If any choppers are found by the police in areas that are suspicious they get crushed, any illegal vehicles like the Iffrit will be crushed anywhere if left.

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