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LordChaos 4 Rules broke

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One Shot

Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):LordChaos
Time & Date this happened:23:20 18/07/15
Which Server did this happen on:2
Description of what happened:We saw a tempest device driving towards Kavala so we decide to rob it. We initiate rp and then begin shooting, we stop several times to take out his tires but he keeps heading towards the garage. He then goes straight for the green zone garage and vdm's a helicopter out of the way to get close to the sign to store. He then combat stores his truck while still sitting inside his truck which is exploting as he would not be able to store the truck from inside in rp.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
2D) Using known exploits such as looting dead bodies, any duplication of items, duplication of money, using the Anti-VDM script to regain full health, landing on the roof of drug processors, working with Bounty hunters to exploit money from the wanted system, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside normal usage (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal)
3A) VDM - Vehicle Death Match Definition: Using your vehicle for running people over, using it to ram into other vehicles in and outside combat, using a vehicle with the purpose of making it explode are all considered a form of VDM here (Punishment is a ban)
6F) If you are in active combat you are unable to run into the green zone to avoid being killed/robbed (Punishment is a ban)
2E) Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting medic, logging to save gear, logging while ziptied (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal*) (Would include combat storing)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:yes
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DG20F8WHjc&feature=youtu.be

First of all I would like to precise the fact that I didn't know the garage was actually a greenzone, as I used to see a lot of people being robbed/killed there. I came back after a break of 3 months a couple of days ago, maybe a week, and I actually didn't notice it. But this is my own fault, I was supposed to pay attention to this fact. So yes, I am wrong about this.

Secondly, no I didn't vdm, or at least didn't mean to "VDM". I never vdm'd in my life or at least not on purpose. Because if I actually wanted to VDM, I had more than 3 chances to just blow your car up by just pushing you towards a wall or just ramming you. I told you I was alt-tabbing and you can clearly see it at "1:29" in your video as my truck actually stops for a little then comes back, and I didn't realize the chopper was that close. So no, this is no VDM, because it wasn't meant in the way of driving over someone, nor trying to explode a vehicle. I mean, I was getting to the safe zone to put my chopper in the garage after all, like you're saying also. No?

Thirdly, you seem to know the rules pretty well, and I appreciate the fact that you came on TeamSpeak to tell me which one you think I did break or not. But you brought a lot of your gang members, weren't that opened for dialogue. If I broke rules, I acknowledge them, such as the greenzone one where, yes I am wrong for not checking my map to see it was actually I greenzone, but I don't remember it being one. And secondly also being wrong about storing the device. These points, I do aggree with you. I do not aggree with the VDM, because as you can see in the video, nothing was intentional. But I would like to talk about point 2E which in this case, is not concerning me. I didn't combat log, this is no combat log. Simply, if I would had combat logged, I wouldn't be on the server, as far as I see the rule doesn't concern the vehicle, but only the 6F in this case do apply. 

And lastly, as you seem to know the rules pretty well, and I think it's pretty impressive to be honest. Let me ask you that question: What happened after 15 seconds after you cut that video you uploaded? Well let me tell you, you've executed me, and you shot from the greenzone. This is too bad for someone who does actually knows the rules. So you do and your friend break the rule in this video :

6A) You are unable to kill anyone in a green zone (Punishment is a ban)
Proof is : http://grabilla.com/05713-a025bef9-3051-4d32-9c94-88cb58ba56db.html which happened 15 seconds after your video 
6C) Weapons must be holstered inside green and blue zones at all times.
Proof is :  your own video actually: 1:37 ++

And I am just wondering, why did you ask me to get out of my vehicle in the greenzone? I mean, anyone with common sense do understand that this is a robbery, and too bad: 6E) You are unable to steal vehicles in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban).

This makes 2 up to 3 rules broken by yourself during that session. If I am wrong you're being wrong too. I do acknowledge I didn't know about the garage being a greenzone, but this is my own fault. And yes I shouldn't have stored the car. These are my faults, what about yours and the one of your clanmate?

Thank you for reading,

Have a nice day.

I was Involved In the robbery and am also posting on One Shots behalf 
6A) You are unable to kill anyone in a green zone (Punishment is a ban)
Were you died and were one shot killed your from was not inside the green zone, if you take a look on the map the green zone is only around the garage not down the road from it. One shot killed you from the other side of the road from the garage and slightly down the road. (We also issued compliance telling him stop however he kept running)



6C) Weapons must be holstered inside green and blue zones at all times.
They just jumped out the car and your weapon automatically comes out and as you can see after about 5 seconds the weapon is holstered.

6E) You are unable to steal vehicles in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban).
We never told you to get out the car, take a look at the video again One Shot is not talking in game. One Shot is saying get a car out on teamspeak thus you can see in the video there is noting said in direct chat at the bottom left. 

I didn't combat log, this is no combat log. Simply, if I would had combat logged, I wouldn't be on the server, as far as I see the rule doesn't concern the vehicle, but only the 6F in this case do apply.
 I would say combat storing would count as combat logging but that is something an admin can decide. It may also count as exploiting or fail - rp.


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They just jumped out the car and your weapon automatically comes out and as you can see after about 5 seconds the weapon is holstered.
One shot does holster his weapon, not the other person. And One Shot still shot me from there, with of course, I guess no weapons unholstered?

And as for the screenshots, they've been taken over 15 seconds after I've been killed. Meanwhile, when I looked back before being shot, he was on the spot, still in the greenzone next to the chopper with 2 or 3 other dudes. Just saying, you can even see it by the logs showing up. And you were even talking to the guy with the chopper, and I stayed a couple of seconds there trying to check if the chopper was ok before leaving the spot. 


One shot does holster his weapon, not the other person. And One Shot still shot me from there, with of course, I guess no weapons unholstered?
I unholstered my weapon before killing you outside of the green zone

And as for the screenshots, they've been taken over 15 seconds after I've been killed. Meanwhile, when I looked back before being shot, he was on the spot, still in the greenzone next to the chopper with 2 or 3 other dudes. Just saying, you can even see it by the logs showing up. And you were even talking to the guy with the chopper, and I stayed a couple of seconds there trying to check if the chopper was ok before leaving the spot. 

If you have video evidence of this I would love to see it as I dont like people making false acusations with no proof


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There would be actually easier, you do have a full footage of what happened, as this was uploaded from a shadowplay video. Please, show everyone the whole footage. 

Also, why do you hide the time on the first screenshot? Because it does incriminate and confirm what I was talking about above. Show the timestamp and the whole footage. http://grabilla.com/05713-5adc1cc1-4fd6-442d-9b07-31cdb379ef28.html
You took you screenshot  with a delay of 1:35 seconds on this one: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/442827467491565345/0352DA149496A10C2E0FD9667B81CB74FA3C6472/

So it has no value. Meanwhile my screenshot, was taken 8 seconds after my death, I do not have any footage because my space was full when I was recording the first part, it stopped.

Please, give us the full footage of your shadowplay, or at least the timestamps of this screenshot : http://imgur.com/CL712F5 

As that one shows that you do have actually a shadowplay recording. And I guess BigShot also do have a recording of what happened right after that end of footage. 

EDIT: There is an obvious loss of quality on the first screenshot you've uploaded, I mean, it was taken from a video and/or because it was cut to hide the time stamp. And actually, he had his back turned from the greenzone, which is what would have happened if he walked away after killing me. On the footage we clearly see OneShot next to the NPC, he follow me when I leave the zone and shoots me. And the screenshot with no timestamp, actually shows that he is walking away from it. Meanwhile your second one is clearly invalid, taken 1 minute and 35 seconds after my screenshot, which makes it 1:43 after my death.

The timing showing up where he was in that zone could be when I actually pm'd him on TS. 

Thank you again for your time.

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I gotta say I am impressed with the way you responded to this and how mature you acted @LordChaos

I will leave this by warning you to re-read the rules carefully and not do those mistakes again :)

Next time I promise you impressing me and good manners will not safe your ass.


(If anyone wonders why I close this: Mistakes from both sides. So I either ban both sides or let both sides off.)

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