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Looking for New Laptop


Well-known member
Head Psychologist Office, Kavala Hospital
I have been using my laptop for a while for both gaming purposes and work. Throughout the years I have started to issue more and more performance issues, most of which I fix easily but now I am thinking of getting a new laptop anyways for better performance, graphics, extra.

What I am looking for with an absolute max budget of 1k. I would prefer for cheaper if possible.

Memory (RAM): 16 GB (total)/ 2 * 8GB, the speed of the memory card is not my biggest concern atm.

Hard Drive: 1 TB

A decent Graphics Card

CPU: Intel Core i5 or Intel Core i7, is debatable, though, not attached to it

System Type: 64 bit

And that's about it. I have experience setting up Computers before but not laptops. Personally, I am not bothered to spend time building it if needed but for me, durability and performance are both factors needed in my build. Helping to find parts or finished builds would be appreciated.

Beforehand Thank you


I think you would be better off buying a cheap laptop for work and buying a rig for gaming. Might cost a bit more but its worth it

I think you would be better off buying a cheap laptop for work and buying a rig for gaming. Might cost a bit more but its worth it
I am currently using a relatively cheap laptop and I find that buying a new one would be more efficient for me then upgrading everything from RAM to the hardrive when I can have a better setup in the end for just a bit more
