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LoA Cool - (Refused - Report made no sense at all...)

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Destroyer of Shit Tech Advice
South East UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):LoA Cool
Time & Date this happened:04/10/2014 12:30
Description of what happened:LoA Cool requested the Keys to my Mohawk or die (very poor RP as well), I refused as it is all I have So they killed me. Then they lockpicked it repaired it but were unable to take off due to obstructions, So as a final "fuck you" decided to blow it up so to cause it to be lost for good, which he stated he was fully aware of in the Side chat afterwards. Luckily it was impounded before it despawned Many thanks PC Deleter - I havn't been able to check if it has been lost though due to only getting 5 fps on the server after restart.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:just confirmed that were his intentions
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Cut Video-(below)  Full Video  Link

Screenshots of chat afterwards





Funnily enough he didn't respond to this :/
Sorry that this happened to you bud. Poor effort on their part, good luck with your comp

That's really harsh, man. [SIZE=14.4444446563721px]A real douchebag thing to do.[/SIZE]

Don't worry, we're not all arseholes Lionel! Hope you get compensation and that this is dealt with. 

I was unable to see that due to their actions, and they were happy to let me believe that.

From my point of view would you of thought any different ?

i am happy for this to be dropped. 

Many thanks for clearing this all up.

Cool you could of let me know that Via side chat earlier.

Yeah off course, I was mistaken. I assumed the Helicopter was being shot.

  If you had let me know in the Side chat I wouldn't of even posted this.

Watch the video and let me know what you think would of happened had you been in my place.

I did state in my previous post

i am happy for this to be dropped. 

Many thanks for clearing this all up.
And now blowing up a chopper is considered a glitch by players? Were have we gone with this community :(

Erm.. if the incident happened today then then it was already fixed and it will return to your garage.

/Report Locked

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