In-game name: Max
Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198067688236
What was lost: The money from selling 115 processed cocaine.
Value of item/money lost: 115 x 8,250 = £948,750
Quick description of what happened: I was just finishing up one last cocaine run in my HEMTT with a bunch of people in a gang for the night, when all of a sudden whilst I was running in and out of the church selling the drugs, I literally ran in to a fellow gang member in the church then the next thing I know is that I'm dead. It didn't say he killed me or anything, it was so bizarre. It happened at around 07:40 GMT +1.
Video proof just incase:
Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198067688236
What was lost: The money from selling 115 processed cocaine.
Value of item/money lost: 115 x 8,250 = £948,750
Quick description of what happened: I was just finishing up one last cocaine run in my HEMTT with a bunch of people in a gang for the night, when all of a sudden whilst I was running in and out of the church selling the drugs, I literally ran in to a fellow gang member in the church then the next thing I know is that I'm dead. It didn't say he killed me or anything, it was so bizarre. It happened at around 07:40 GMT +1.
Video proof just incase: