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Let me get formally introduced


Well-known member
Holy Terra / Cheshire / United Kingdom
So I've already played on here for about a year i believe but never really got formally introduced. 

So hello everyone, My name is McDonald but i often rock the name Klaus McDonald when im not on duty as UNMC (Rcr. Klaus McDonald [UNMC] is a tad bit long) 

Ive played almost all aspects of ArmA 3; Takistan, Exile, Wasteland, Battle royale, king of the hill, Milsim, DayZ types. And i always settle on Altis life or life mods in general. I tend to like games or modes with a longevity inside of it and i love role playing so this is a dream. 

But yeah i have some weird tastes and hobbys, I have a thing for most things Russian, as you can probably see from the profile picture i also have a passion for firearms, being the proud owner of a AX Frame with a .308 700 Remington barrel. And to add to this i also enjoy air soft and regularly play at my local site Anzio Camp. 

But yeah thats basically me, you'll often find me at the UNMC checkpoint or on Ops. Or youll run into me on battle royale servers with my friends. 
