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Leone - Unban request - 27/12 (Actioned?)

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Well-known member
Name: Leone [RFA]

GUID: 5b9cdd63026665bafa18f9c147c901dd

Ban date: 27/12/14 10:35pm


- I was on skype with Tsing Tao who restarted playing on Altislife.co.uk after a very long time. While my gang and I were scouting the drug dealer for potential targets, Tsing Tao wanted to know whether people would die if they are run over by a vehicle. I pointed out that people won't die and he asked me to prove it by running him over.

Despite being against the rules, I thought that knocking him over while in a quiet area with no other members of the community around to show him the feature would not be much of a problem, especially since we were in the same gang, friends and on skype and also because I was asked to do so by him.

@Vladic Ka happened to be watching me at that moment in time and, rightly so, thought I was trolling/breaking rules/attempting to disrupt roleplay. I don't blame him for this as he had no way to know all the above.

I apologize for my insensitivity - I shall not satisfy Tsing Tao's curiosity again, as he always causes me trouble :/ haha

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I also happened to be watching the minute before when you ran over some guys in Kavala square. Care to explain what test you were doing there?

That was done in the process of robbing the car beige hatchback - I tried to avoid the guy who happened to run into the direction I was steering. It is only after I passed that I see him rubber-banding beside the car and onto the floor.

I have been active for a long time Sir and I know the rules very well. I always try my best to respect them. 

EDIT: I have also reviewed the video of the VDM in kavala square. I hope you understand that I was not the driver of the car when the VDMing was going on, I was a passenger. 

EDIT 2: Here is the video to show that I was not the one VDMing and that I what I said above is true.

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I can see by this you was infact the passenger and the VDM you did do on the way out could of been avoided by reversing and going a different way.

You do understand you stole a car in the greenzone ? .... unbanned for a FINAL chance... robbing etc in the greenzone is not allowed under any circumstances.

I was banned from Server 2 only using the in-game ban feature. I don't think I was banned from the GUID.

I didn't realize, I admit. Lesson learnt! Thank you @Wilco

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Both servers are connected so if you banned from one your banned from the other, Can you try connecting to see if your still banned ?

If so provide your steam ID, if not then just let us know :)

Assuming unbanned from last reply. Please reopen another thread linking this one if you are not.

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