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Lecter And Matsi Green Zone Rule

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This is Lecter speaking, you were following us for quite some time with those goggles (as you can see in the start) and every single one of us told you to stop following us, yes I knocked you out but I felt that was necessary since we had told you multiple times to stop, and the BBC guy said he had exclusive rights to the rock paper scissor match and asked you multiple times to stop filming behind the bar.

Therefore I found it necessary to knock you out, just as sometimes it is necessary to shoot the people who are VDM'ing in the greenzone, further more we were on the "edge" of the greenzone and I did not know it was the greenzone until I went back and checked, you were ziptied and removed from the situation because we (as in all of us) found you very annoying, we did not shoot or rob you. you can hear at 0:20 seconds that one of my friends is very happy you are removed from the situation.

Furthermore you did not try to resolve the situation, as you may notice in your video (https://youtu.be/Yk2tsOO6xEs) you did not record your own microphone, you did not try to resolve the situation, all you did was yell at me that i was going to get removed from the island and at the end of the video you recorded I simply left because I did not feel that we were going anywhere in the conversation.

After rethinking what I did I realized I may or may not have been too close to the greenzone, furthermore I did not know that knocking someone out (without robbing them and only removing them from the situation) was an offence. I understand if there must be taken action towards me, but next time i would prefer if you tried having a civilized conversation with me.

Dr. H. Lecter


This is Matsi speaking, As Lecter has posted He was following us and we told him several times to back off. But he simply didnt listen. And then when Lecter did knock him out, he threatened Us and told us that he would get us banned. And if i am right, there is a rule against that aswell. And Why didnt you record your own mic? So the admins would actually ignore what you were saying aswell? I really Doubt they will, They will probably ask for that evidence aswell. And you never tried to reason with us, only thing you did was threatining us with bans.

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This is B H Grapefruit - I appreciate Admins that normally only people named in the report should respond however I do need to advise you that he had been following us for a good 10-15 minutes prior to this while we done some very fun, and amusing role play and he was becoming very frustrating and becoming an annoyance. We told him plenty of times prior to this point that if he kept following us around and interrupting what we could do (i.e. ziptie/ shoot/knock out) so RP was initiated way outside the GR before the video started over the space of like 30 minutes I was dealing with Matsi etc.

Again, apologies however I do feel that I had to share my point of view.

B H Grapefruit. 

I didn't not record my microphone on purpose, shadow play doesn't record my mic some reason and I gave you multiple warnings. You even said it wasn't me dude and I said before that that you are not allowed to do that. And the rules of a report are no comments, Its not up for descution just wait for the admin to decide. And to only reason I came out of role is because you was ruining my role experience and just leaving me there for 5 minutes swell just ruined my game. The least you could have done is let me go. And not I have read to rules to a full extent I will contact you via different means in future. Sorry for breaking RP but I felt you where ruining my fun aswell, Alls I was doing is watching. Also I didn't say I would get you banned I just said its a bannable offence and I did that once.

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