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Landon unban for server 1(well 2)

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Neptune Beach,FL,USA
Ok wilco i message you about this before. I was playing FTL (faster then light) and was running low on money.(game gets pretty damn hard near the end) so i fixed my money issue then died anyways at the boss battle. So i quit FTL and launch ARMA 3 join server 2( server 1 is always full) Spawn in neo, run to car garage then i get kicked and a ban notice for "hack #38". I looked it up and it ended up being cheat engine, Arma 3 automatically sees it when you run the game. I forgot to turn it off after i was done with FTL. There is nothing i can hack in Arma 3 anyways, all stuff is server side, why would i try doing it. Also its just on server 2 which i think you change the name to 1 cause now i cant go on 1 but i can go on 2.  Was wondering if you could do anything. If not its fine. many of the players on here will probably say no.

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Server 1 and Server 2 now run on the same dedicated and they both run BEC which connects to an account that can see Battleye global bans.

The issue is the saying.... once an hacker always a hacker, I need assurances that you will never ever even think about hacking on our servers or using a hack while connecting to our server again then maybe we can make a one off exception.

I am not interested in what the hack is... the fact its been run while arma 3 and our servers battleye found it, if this happens again then you will be auto banned again.

The exception will only be for our server, you will find your globally banned from any server running BEC.

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Its weird though. Some servers let me in(even with BEC)and some dont. I did not try to hack(no point if im a donator anyways which already puts you on high grounds). But thank you for considering it, I will make sure to turn off any programs that are running before hopping onto arma 3 for now on. If you do decide to unban me when should i be able to play again?

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Strike(was Landon)

76561198019084251 is idea or what ever thats called

I have asked the panel to set an exception on our servers but it hasn't worked (tried it a number of times even refreshed the page)

Will try again later, there might be an issue with the Bansys webpage.

could you message me when you get it all sorted out?would appreciate it

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Please give me your BATTLEYE GUID... not your SteamID/Arma3 PlayerID as you gave above. I will attempt to find it in the ban-lists today, but no promises.

Ignore the above. I think I have found you. I have removed the local ban entry from Server 1's banfile, and overridden the BEC global-hive entry.

You may still find that you're banned from other servers (it's up to the admins on those servers whether or not to 'listen' to the auto-generated BE/BEC bans that are on the hive, not us).

But you should be able to join our servers, at least.

Of course (and I'm sure Wilco's said this already, but just in case...) this is your first, last and ONLY warning. Any sort of cheat will be detected again, and will be banned again... but next time permanently.

Thank you tinybigjacko....I understand the lack of trust but, you wont have to worry that i will do something bad. Im sorry i bugged you guys a lot about this, its just i wanted to play with friends before i ship out to the army. Thank you again tinybigjacko and wilco for this

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