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Lack of Updates

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Well-known member
Whats with the lack of updates for the last few months, I know DJ has been busy and ofc everyone has real life problems but I would of thought someone else would of taken the reigns whilst DJ was away and continued updates like we used to have. Just seems like with no updates there's not much new stuff do to anymore, I think this affects most veteran players who have almost done everything.

I assume it’s because a majority of the development team is more back end code rather than game server updates. And yeah the server isn’t constantly being updated currently but weekly updates were a luxury we have had up until the beginning of server since dj came along. There will hopefully be a new update soon?


People have been very busy and if there is one cruital thing we promote to anyone involved with this project it’s real life must always come first.

We are not a bunch of spring chickens who devote all there time after school rushing out half thought updates.

In this time a new game dev was put in position (not sure if you missed that one) but please do give him time to get upto speed.

If you are bored of the main feature (Roleplay) then go take some time out and return in a few weeks.

People have been very busy and if there is one cruital thing we promote to anyone involved with this project it’s real life must always come first.
Yep totally agree, infact, I even put that in my post 

I know DJ has been busy and ofc everyone has real life problems
Possibly I should of put "And they come first" because lets face it, they do.

We are not a bunch of spring chickens who devote all there time after school rushing out half thought updates.

In this time a new game dev was put in position (not sure if you missed that one) but please do give him time to get upto speed.

If you are bored of the main feature (Roleplay) then go take some time out and return in a few weeks.
I don't expect anyone to be pushing out updates weekly, when that was happening it was just great and IMO the server was thriving. 

Nope, I know Jaffa came along and yes he needs to get up to speed also agreed, personally I would of thought get up to speed meant about a month of devolving but of course each person is different and hey, what do I know about development anyway.

Not in any way did I say was "bored" of roleplay in this post and I feel un-necessarily you have put your back up and took something out of my post which I didn't intend, as if it was some sort of criticism, it was a mere question nothing more nothing less.

You see there is only a certain amount of roleplay you can do with people before it comes repeated and stale, however, adding in new things (Such as ARAC towing or new prestige stuff) IMPROVES that roleplay and makes everyone's experience so much more enjoyable.  

I 100% know RPUK deals with a lot of shit on a daily basis but from someone who was asking a regular, normal question your response to me seems quite unnecessary and confrontational, suggesting that I take a break because I'm bored of roleplay.

So to shed a bit of light on why there is a lack of updates i will cover some basics.

So to start off with I have been inactive because i genuinely don't have the same time to commit, I work three jobs, go to uni and like to see my mates. After all that there is only a small amount of time left in the week. Until I am in a position again where I can reduce my working hours this wont really change. Now moving on in terms of developers we have 8 in total including two developer leads. Two of these developers are focused on website and systems development, one of them is a graphics developer. The other five developers are game developers, all of them having serious IRL time commitments (Families, just start university or finishing sixth form). With all that considered the obvious question would be 'get more developers' the truth is there is not developers out there to pick-up they are either already committed to other communities or have no interest in Altis Life, on average i would say we get 2 developer applications a month or 24 in a year. Out of the 24 in a year maybe 7 of those will have some kind of proof of work, 4 of those 7 might actually have the required level of knowledge in their field and with Game development being the least applied for out of the development positions it leaves us with very little chances to get new developers.

Hope that helped answer your question.

So to shed a bit of light on why there is a lack of updates i will cover some basics.

So to start off with I have been inactive because i genuinely don't have the same time to commit, I work three jobs, go to uni and like to see my mates. After all that there is only a small amount of time left in the week. Until I am in a position again where I can reduce my working hours this wont really change. Now moving on in terms of developers we have 8 in total including two developer leads. Two of these developers are focused on website and systems development, one of them is a graphics developer. The other five developers are game developers, all of them having serious IRL time commitments (Families, just start university or finishing sixth form). With all that considered the obvious question would be 'get more developers' the truth is there is not developers out there to pick-up they are either already committed to other communities or have no interest in Altis Life, on average i would say we get 2 developer applications a month or 24 in a year. Out of the 24 in a year maybe 7 of those will have some kind of proof of work, 4 of those 7 might actually have the required level of knowledge in their field and with Game development being the least applied for out of the development positions it leaves us with very little chances to get new developers.

Hope that helped answer your question.
Completely fair enough, obviously I knew you had commitments that needed taking care of but didn't know that extended to the whole development team, cheers for the response ❤️

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