Roleplay UK King Of The Hill
Good news for all of those who asked we now have a King of the hill server.
This means the return of our previously popular KOTH friday, KOTH is fun... but its even better amongst known friends and foes!
As this does not fall under "Roleplay" and is hosted on a shared host (KOTH agreements) and not on our usual network funded by the website goal it is being funded by myself: £25 per month for 50 slots Pretty cheap unless we add more slots.
Lets give it a months trial and see how used it is!
For those who wish to contribute monthly GameDeluxe have the following link which any proceeds goes directly to them for the KOTH server fee which can be accesed on the link below.
You can connect to the server on: port: 2600
Please note: The performance and protection of this server may not meet our usual standards!
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