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Kapraizhen Unban Request (Denied)

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Your In-game name: Miguel 

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198023054995

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 


Date & Time you was banned: 16 January 2015, Around 3 AM.

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

Rule 5: Rest of Altis

VDM = Instant Ban (We have a anti VDM script however running people over for run is banable and considered VDM)

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

I was banned by Stephanie for VDM. I explained myself to Stephanie and she got my point, I would like to see what she has to say about my unban request once that she was the one that got me banned. 

I would like to see this post being threated by somoene else instead of Vladic Ka because it seems he doesnt like me. He accused me off breaking NLR when I didnt and without any prove.

Best regards,


I honestly have nothing against you fella. Rules are rules. You had your chance to play by the rules and wasted it.

You admitted to going back for your truck after you were killed which breaches the NLR because you wouldnt know about your truck or where you died.

You can read what Steph said here: so she did not "get your point" and agreed that the ban was deserved.

It was very late yesterday (or early) and I couldn't think straight anymore that's why I said I will wait till I make the decision.

I just didn't want to get anything wrong on this (happens to me if I am tired.)

But no Vlad - nothing to add from my side.

The Problem is i tried to explain to you yesterday that you can not solve rulebreaking with breaking rules yourself.

You just did not accept this.

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