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[K.C.S] Disbanded


Well-known member
Hi players of Altis Life! 
We unfortunately decided to disband the gang.

Below I want to give a short explanation for the reasons.

The KCS started with good intentions. We quickly gained popularty which led to a lot of new players joining. Unfortunately, this all went to quick. We took in to many players too fast, promoting players too fast and eventually lost the core values we once had in the gang. Some of us are really into roleplaying everything and put that infront of everything else in the game, other don't care for this as much. This led to a lot of drama and people getting mad for setting up RP requirements, or other getting mad for people not doing enough RP.

As you all know, bad things have a way to stick and quickly people forget the good things that happend. This have led that we feel the gang has gotten a reputation that I and some of the other managers don't agree or want to identify with. Also, we feel that there are so much diversity in the gang that it's no point in trying to clean it up and the best is just to disband and let the different factions either create their own gang, or join other gangs that fit their place style better.

I would like to thank all members of Kavalas Crime Syndicate for the good times and wish you the best of luck in the future. 

/Donald, former leader/Founder of Kavala Crime Syndicate

All members of what was K.C.S please come back to team speak for one last time

I think this is a responsible move, and a sign of good leadership. KCS have come up on my radar recently, and not for the right reasons. I'm glad to see some members have their head in the right place though. Don't let this put you off going forward, just be sure to learn from your mistakes. Wishing you (and all members) the best for the future, whatever you move on to next.

I think that this is the right move. Things were getting out of hand with the rep of the gang and I think that dispanding  the gang will stop certain situations e.c.t players getting banned          RIP K.C.S

Well you know where you can all come ;)

On a serious note, sad to see ANOTHER ally disband! :(  

(Oops, Wrong account, oh well :p)

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Shame to see it go to this but feel this was the best decision we could have done. This has been a great lesson to learn and I hope other new gang leaders can learn from our mistakes, at least I have.

A couple of notes:

1. Be clear and early on write down the values and rules you would like to have in the gang. Don't let something slide and be firm if anyone breaks them. If you let it slide to many times, the rule will be useless and ignored.

2. Don't bring people in if you're not sure they will stand by your values and represent you in a good way. Even if they have "Recruit" or "Trial" in their tag they still represent your gang.

3. Have a weekly meeting where you can update the gang with new rules or quickly break of any bad behaivour/tendencies that might be evolving.

4. As said by DainMK KCS was getting on the radar of the admins for not so good reasons. It's never ever okey that members break the rules or are too close to the line of the rules. It's your responsibility as a leader/manager to make sure your gang members behave and follow the rules. Even if they manage to dodge the admins/player reports, they should feel your wrath. If they break the rules, it will reflect on you and every gang members.

Lastly I would like to thank the Admins and the Mentors for their help. We tried our best to steer it in the right direction and got some help from you guys, but in the end we felt it was too late.

Wish the best for all former members of KCS!

