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Just arrived in Altis, what do I do?


So I arrived in alits, blew all my money on cars and guns and now im stuck with only 100k I made from cider farming and a hatchback and boxer truck.

How do I get out of this mess?

EDIT: I already read the rules

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So I arrived in alits, blew all my money on cars and guns and now im stuck with only 100k I made from cider farming and a hatchback and boxer truck.

How do I get out of this mess?
Go do weed, or join police force - the easy way.

Hello goober! welcome to altis and our community, i've i was you i should do a couple more cider runs so you have more money to build on, and then you should maby aply for a gang, but thats up to you!! GOODLUCK!

Your not poor, start using your vehicles for Copper,oil or Iron runs. Or risk go for drugs, use common sense and choose what suits your gameplay more.

Build up you financial assets then go for more dangerous missions such as Drug runs or HM robberies.

Good Luck,

You do the crime, you will serve the time...

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