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Jurassic World evolution key gife away!!!


Well-known member
north korea
I would like to gife the key away to somewhan Who can Make me a Nice Whongcheng logo. And Ofcorse a tumb up 😛 What i would like is to have a communist logo with my name : Whongcheng in it. So Let the games begin!

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Not sure how smart using a communist logo would be. Communism especially during the time of Stalin created more victims than Hitler (for example the Holodomor). It might be deemed a little insensitive by some as many consider the logo equal or worse than the swastika.

Not sure how smart using a communist logo would be. Communism especially during the time of Stalin created more victims than Hitler (for example the Holodomor). It might be deemed a little insensitive by some as many consider the logo equal or worse than the swastika.
It whas Stalin Who did it not communism so i Dont See the wrong of Just a logo here..... if u search a little more abouth communism know than that Its not abouth killing. Stalin whas one creasy Dude Who gife it a bad name.. But  what u saying had not much to do with communism it self there are Some countys that still use communism do u blame them as wel for what Stalin did??

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It whas Stalin Who did it not communism so i Dont See the wrong of Just a logo here..... if u search a little more abouth communism know than that Its not abouth killing. Stalin whas one creasy Dude Who gife it a bad name.. But  what u saying had not much to do with communism it self there are Some countys that still use communism do u blame them as wel for what Stalin did??
So I suppose facism and national socialism is fine too, and hitler was to blame for everything that happend during world war two? It is quite concerning how the established media have managed to frame facism as something bad (which it is), yet they have always portrayed communism as something that is inherently good. When in reality, both ideologies are equally bad when juged by the same standards. You really should try to learn more about the modern history of mankind.

You saying something like this?



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So I suppose facism and national socialism is fine too, and hitler was to blame for everything that happend during world war two? It is quite concerning how the established media have managed to frame facism as something bad (which it is), yet they have always portrayed communism as something that is inherently good. When in reality, both ideologies are equally bad when juged by the same standards. You really should try to learn more about the modern history of mankind.
Xd so u think China is bad

You saying something like this?

Yea rly like it man!!

Chinese communism != Soviet communism, and I assumed that you were asking for something that is related to soviet communism. Calling China a communist country is not even accurate anymore. China is currently ran by a quasi communist goverment.

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Not sure how smart using a communist logo would be. Communism especially during the time of Stalin created more victims than Hitler (for example the Holodomor). It might be deemed a little insensitive by some as many consider the logo equal or worse than the swastika.
I mean you staff didnt care when we had a mayor who did alot of communist stuff. 

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Chinese communism != Soviet communism, and I assumed that you were asking for something that is related to soviet communism. Calling China a communist country is not even accurate anymore. China is currently ran by a quasi communist goverment.
I never Say that Xd all I want is Just a logo No discusions.. Soo if u guys Dont agree with communism Plz start a topic somewhere else en let this topic related to making a logo

Chinese communism had educational camps where many starved. You seem to forget that I studied history and actually know a fair bit about these subjects. I would suggest to be careful with the logo as it would be unfortunate you pay so much for a logo you may not use everywhere.


Chinese communism had educational camps where many starved. You seem to forget that I studied history and actually know a fair bit about these subjects. I would suggest to be careful with the logo as it would be unfortunate you pay so much for a logo you may not use everywhere.
Hate to budge in but its important to not confuse a philosophical ideology with the acts of a political party, if thats how you view it democracy has cost a equal amount of deaths.


Hate to budge in but its important to not confuse a philosophical ideology with the acts of a political party, if thats how you view it democracy has cost a equal amount of deaths.
I am merely warning him that in a fair few countries the communism sign is seem as offensive and can cause for agressive replies. I have experienced it myself when one of my students wore a t-shirt with the sign on it and got attacked over it in a former east block country. There is no group that is perfect obviously but it does depend on how recent it is and whether it can upset/offend someone.
