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John Hammond - RDM - KILLING

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): John Hammond
Time & Date this happened:  24/02/15, around 18:30
Which Server did this happen on: #1
Description of what happened: Road block, safe zone, few cars damaged and dead bodies on the road already in the scene. Opened fire to the running car without warning.  Got out and have been killed with no reason or warning again. Didn’t even have a chance to put my licensed gun in the holster as you always get out of the car with a gun in your hands. Four of them  pointing big guns to me why would I resist with water pistol that I had?
What Rule Was Broken ?: RDM – KILLING
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: [SIZE=11pt]Contacted in game messaging, NO REPLY. Contacted on altislife.co.uk web page NO REPLY. On TS was not available. 24 hours waiting is enough I think to put his name on here. Thanks[/SIZE]
Noel nice to see you again. Sorry we didnt make to the cooper mine beacause of the incident. :( (Noel was a passanger that I met and showed around of how to get started on here)... they didnt allowed for anything at that time!!! bad experience for player that just started!!!

To be fair, you can put the gun in your backpack or your car before you get out, and there is no sound, and they could've all been warning you to stay inside for all we know. I know the pain with sound capture if you're using Shadowplay, but John is a decent roleplayer as far as I know.

A few days ago just tried to rob me and my friend in Kavala, he got shot by my friend and complained about my friend wasn't allowed to shoot back. Yep, a decent roleplayer as long as the others don't have a gun. 

In my opinion there needs to be sound to this video for an admin to properly review it! also when you got out of your car you moved to your right which may off cause him to react like this...  I think this is on a very fine line....

Thank you for your replies. My first experience with him was not pleasant;
Leave it to the admins decide now.  Shall he get away with this I will be waiting to meet him again to see how really descent he is?

Take care


Picture shows talking from the video.

Without audio, I can't hear their demands/instructions.

Report rejected.

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