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Wisconsin, USA
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Jas
Time & Date this happened: 8/21/2015 About 5:50pm Central Time
Which Server did this happen on: EU2
Description of what happened: Me and 4 Gang Members drove up to the garage in athira and got robbed we had our hands up and no cloths or backpacks on. Then some random guy shot one of our kidnappers and my gang member with out any role play. Then I took my hands of my head and took cover. Then I got out of cover and he shot me all while saying nothing in-game. 
What Rule Was Broken ?:3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:

 Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I went on TS to find him but he wasn't on and then I talked to a mentor who said post it on the fourms with my shadowplay vid.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here: Sorry there are 2 videos Shadowplay broke it up idk why.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hky44vYMBE important stuff happens around 3 minutes into the vid.
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
I was also there hiding in the building in that video, from the 4-6 guys that were initially robbing the SUV. 
Saw Jas going towards the garage prior to this incident, and started to get shot at by those that initiated the robbery, he pulled back out of my sight and heard him returning fire out of self-defense.
I do not believe that this person in particular was a target, I think it was a wrong time and wrong place kind of ordeal.

If there are any questions to answer as a witness, I will be happy to help on the TS.

i have just been made aware of this report and wish to add to my defence that this video has been edited and does not show me saying to the guys "put your hands up no one move this is a robbery" and then i proceded to say i am going to give you the count of 5 secs to lay down your guns otherwise i will have no option but to open fire" i then saw one guy who came from around the wall i told him to put his gun down again and then wiithout saying a word he shot me dead and the guys proceded to rob my dead body of my gun and items i have followed all the rules with respect to roleplay and i am sorry i shot the one guy by accident i did not mean to i was trying to aim for the people who had shot at me and killed my friend prior to this without rp infact there was a lot of people RDMing in that area at the time that is why my friend Adazca was shot i am sorry if i hit a person by accident but i did follow the rules as to RP and did give out the warnings which this video does not show it also does not show as i side prior me getting shot without one guy RPing with me and stole my gun which i think is not a very nice situation to be in.

Gonna leave it with a warning tonight because the evidence seems to be cut. Next time it will be a ban tho.

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