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Jack Keeble - Possible hacking/RDM

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Well-known member
United Kingdom
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Jack Keeble
Time & Date this happened: 31st Dec 2014 approx 3pm
Description of what happened: we went to a house where we heard gun shots, one person said leave my compount otherwise i will get violent, to which you can hear we laughed at, i then go into a building, run upstairs and next second 1 bullet kills me from Jack keeble but you can see in the video there is no one up in the building with me at all.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: no
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
May i point out the fact that you have not included the part were you or your group fired a silenced MX type weapon at us. Also this will not be valid until the full thing is posted.

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may i point out that those shots were not from us, and that you people were sat in your house with locked doors shooting people from the windows.

Also if you were running in an active firefight wearing clothing similar to people involved you are likely to be accidentally shot as we would think you were one of them.

Also may you suggest how you thought he hacked ? Or which hack ?

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i dont know about hacking but im sure of foul play. either way, it was rdm as he didnt say a word directed at me, and i had no gun out at all.

'One person said leave my compount otherwise i will get violent'       This proves that becouse you were in the building in the compound we took hostile action, so it is you fault for not following instructions. 

I was there, Dan did not have his weapon out the whole time we was in Athira, i had a conflict in Athira that was with me and another guy i ended up shooting the guy in the leg then he ended up listening to me so i did not kill him, then you goons popped out from nowhere and started shooting at me so i decided to leave the area, you can see at 0:07 and 0:10 we was at the front windows so there is know way the guy that shot Dan could off shot him through the front windows as we was positioned there, and they couldn't off shot Dan from the little window behind dan because he was too far away. And the sounds of the bullets that killed Dan was from the left Witch has 0 windows.

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And also if we didn't listen then why are we far away from your compound ? 

And also if we didn't listen then why are we far away from your compound ? 

@Alex F unless you have video showing where you were a simple screenshot will not be enough. 

@It's Charlie we were not part of a group that initiated firefight with you, you people were shooting people and running into your house way before we turned up and your pal shot me whilst unarmed.

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