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Is this allowed?

The OG player takes the weapon as soon as the guy he killed dies before the weapon disappears. Is that allowed or does it g against the 2.4  rule - looting a dead body.

As far as I am aware; you can take the weapons as they drop.

the looting the bodies rule involves glitching to access their inventory

 @CSI LONG BEARD can give you a definitive answer from the staff team

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I was there and it was shock that he would do it and i tought he was messing around intill he open fire and done us in reagard less what we said or done he wanted our gear thats clear.

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Yeah, the rp wasn't the best. The quality wasn't that High but what can you do.

I was there and it was shock that he would do it and i tought he was messing around intill he open fire and done us in reagard less what we said or done he wanted our gear thats clear.